(Comparing the Terry Schiavo case to John Paul II's death in a thread regarding a news story alledging that the former Pope was actually "euthanized.")
The difference is that Terri Schiavo did not state that she wanted to die, and her husband was obviously ripping her off and doing everything he could to speed up her death so that he could run off with another woman. I view it as state-sanctioned murder. Also, there's a big difference between waiting a few extra days to insert a feeding tube, and denying all food, water, and life support. The reason Terry didn't respond and appeared to be "dying peacefully" is that she was doped up with enough drugs so even a healthy person couldn't have done anything. You notice the husband only allowed his own doctors to examine her, and the judge presiding over the whole thing had pulled the plug on one of his own relatives. It was totally rigged.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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