Um, you all know that Darwin said on his death bed that atheism was just a theory of his, right?
Oh, and God Rules!
There were atheists looooong before Darwin came along. The theory of evolution is what I believe you are thinking about, and if you would do a little checking before running your mouth, you might not look like such an imbecile.
Oh, and btw, Darwin never recanted the ToE on his deathbed, either. That's just some other made up fundie bullshit, too.
Truly amazing. Managed to combine three creationists myths: "Darwin recanted before dying", "Evolution is just a theory", and "Evolution = Atheism", in a concentrated superdense state of wrongness!
Darwin was Catholic, and received last rites on his deathbed like any other Catholic. Among other things, this involved a last confession. People who believe that Catholicism is inherently good and evolution is inherently evil protect their own mental state by concluding that he must have recanted at that time.
It doesn't matter. If Darwin had said before he died that the whole thing was bullshit, he'd be wrong. We don't believe this stuff just because Darwin says so; we believe it because we've observed it for ourselves.
@Niali: er, no. Darwin was brought up Church of England, not Catholic, (he even planned - not very enthusiastically - on being a vicar at one time). However he gave up religion altogether long before his death; no last rites were administered (AFAIK).
Clear case of a troll.
Punctuation and capitalization are far too good for a fundie.
Mixing evolution and atheism in that myth.
Having the nick Dryad33.
And as a measure of how seriously you can take this person, a quote from the LotR fanfic is her journal:
"Legolas collapsed to the ground. 'That's it! We're not going to Disney World!'"
Case in point.
Tiny Bulcher:
Yer what? I heard Jesus recanted on the cross, too.
Oh, he did, according to the Babble.
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Some of them that stood there, when they heard [that], said, This [man] calleth for Elias.
And straightway one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled [it] with vinegar, and put [it] on a reed, and gave him to drink.
The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him.
Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
Mathew 27: 46 - 50
Tiny Bulcher
Yer what? I heard Jesus recanted on the cross, too.
That's great! I'm using that the next chance I get!
Tiny Bulcher and Dave : Awesome responses!
Just stopped in to comment that Yes, that story is indeed a myth concocted by a woman who tried to make Darwin recant before he died. Here is a link to , and another to Lady Hope's Wikipedia page, to help prove it in case anyone is doubtful. Though true Christians, no doubt, would find such information to be "of teh DEVIL!!!!"
Actually, what he said was there would come one after him who would be completely full of shit, and her(?) pseudonym would be Dryad33.
OK, he didn't, but it certainly happened.
Lady Hope = Fail.
Also WHAT? Atheism was just a theory of his?
1. Atheism was "invented" VAST amounts of time before Darwin existed, even if you don't count the time where God hadn't been made up yet.
2. If you're referring to the story that Darwin admitted that evolution is false on his deathbed, that's been debunked.
3. The Theory of Evolution is a theory to explain the fact of evolution. Theory has never meant false.
Well, it was about 35 years after he died, so unreliable.
"Yeah, Darwin totally recanted to me. and then I just sat on it for over 3 decades. I was busy!"
No, he didn't. Some holier than thou bitch started telling people he renounced his theory of natural selection to her on his deathbed. It has been proven that he had no opportunity to do so.
I get this one from my fundies every year as well (rudely). Their little faces fall and they look devastated when I politely correct them.
By the way Niali, Darwin was not Catholic. He was in the Church of England. He did not receive last rites. Lets not be like our fundies and post inaccurate info.
Darwin was a Christian, wasn't he? Perhaps a bit agnostic towards the end...
As a scientist, Darwin would know that there is no such thing as "just a theory". It's as stupid as saying "just a proven fact", or "just a solid evidence".
God seems to have abdicated shortly after he spent some time with Muhammad.
How do you know? Were you there?
Belief in gods existed before lack of beliefs in gods? Must be Backwards Day again.
And Darwin was the first one to formulate a scientific theory describing this lack of belief? And he wrote "Darwin's Blank Book" to describe this theory? And he recanted on his deathbed suggesting atheism doesn't exist?
This provides a whole new scale of idiocy to "How stupid can a fundie actually be?"
If Darwin hadn't existed, Wallace would have published instead. We would be just as far along in our understanding of evolution (well, no, not you).
“Um, you all know that Darwin said on his death bed”
Yes, like everyone else, on his deathbed he sayd “AH! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh…….”
Evolution’s not a cult. No matter waht Darwin said on his death bed, the science continues on without him.
“that atheism was just a theory of his, right?”
Oh, WOW, that’s stupid.
Atheism is not what Darwin is famous for.
My atheism has nothing to do with anything Darwin ever did, said, wrote, or paid money to put in print.
Evolution is a scientific theory that people of variuos religions accept BECAUSE OF ALL THE EVIDENCE, not because of Darwin’s testimony. You’re confusing some idiot’s sermon with the false Lady Hope story. Which isn’t true and has no bearing on reality, anyway.
“Oh, and God Rules!”
What are you, twelve?
Or the 62-year-old President of Bumper Stickers For Christ? Either way, it’s time for your nap.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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