“Wall-e” was not a film for kids who believe in God. Although the animation was great, as would be expected from Pixar, the agenda was nauseating. Al Gore appears to have been the creator and director of the film. It was not for kids, and my kids did not even enjoy it. My 4 year old was ready to leave, unlike “Cars” or “Kung fu Panda”. This movie clearly showed the lack of belief in God by showing that earth was dead. It was so anti oil, nuclear power, consumers, and over the top pro green! There is a new religion that is in our movies and schools, yet where are the Christian voices defining this? “Wall-e” was a terrible film for kids and was done to further the agenda by the wealthy in the world who don't live as they preach. So much for a happy movie that my kids come out of with smiles and laughter as they did cars.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2.5
I think it has something to do with the rapture. From their perspective, who cares if we fuck up the planet since they're all going to heaven soon anyway.
'Course, one has to wonder how they know that Jesus isn't going to show up and say something like: "I'm not taking you ANYWHERE until you clean up this mess!"
These people have a particular genius for reading some form of anti-Christian sentiment into absolutely any book, film, song, play or video game that they encounter. Egocentrism, or flat-out psychotic delusions of reference? You decide.
Let me guess your 4 year old was ready to leave because he/she picked up on how much you hated the film because of your ideological opposition to saving the enviroment.
"my kids did not even enjoy it" - yep I bet you made absolutely sure of that. I imagine constant lecturing about the evils of enviromental stewardship would ruin any movie, especially when you're 4 and have no fucking idea what your crazy dad is going on about.
Although the animation was great, as would be expected from Pixar
Moviemaking quality: 2.5
Wait, what is that? Hypocrisy?
Even if the guy wasn't running off at the mouth, WALL-E was very different from most other "kids' movies" these days in that it did not have obnoxious, over-the-top dialogue that tried to be funny or a ton of mindless explosions. The first half hour of the movie was actually "silent".
For these reasons, parents on IMDb who said that it bored their kids were frequently told that their kids were stupid and had ADD.
It was so anti oil, nuclear power, consumers, and over the top pro green!
Wow, so it goes totally against the consumerism and devil- may-care mentality that you fundis love so much because of yourf belief that god will come and save you no matter jhow much you mess with the environment ;)
@Sayna: I have ADD and enjoyed that movie. It was very thought provoking, had excellent cinematography, cute robots, and a good message.
No wonder Aaron Guzik's kids didn't like the movie- they probably picked up on their dad's disdain!
Materialist fundy. Anyone who implies there could be some limit to your consumption of resources is an evil tree hugging scientist. Admit it, you're terrified of what will happen if your microwave oven and flatscreen TV don't work. You make up a fantasy that God will rescue you from the long term results of your greediness, and anyone who says there are resource shortages of any kind is working for the forces of evil, AKA the nazi liberal angel-human hybrid popes. Just keep blatting on about the wisdom of capitalism, and drinking your melamine-enriched soda pop.
It was not for kids, and my kids did not even enjoy it. My 4 year old was ready to leave, unlike “Cars” or “Kung fu Panda.
Probably due to you sitting there ranting and raving.
1. Which person involved in the production ever said WALL-E was even supposed to be a kids' movie?
2. The film's environmental message basically amounts to "don't fuck up the Earth with trash." Hardly Al Gore propaganda, since it has nothing to do with global warming.
3. Since when was consumerism moral or Christian? In fact, it's very anti-Christian, and you'd know that if you'd actually, you know, read the Gospels.
Now, does anyone have a picture of EVE unleashing her gun arm of doom?
Funny, I also think that Wall-e was bad, but unlike you I think it was bad because it was very dull and boring. NOTHING happened in that movie.
Plus, they ripped of Short Circut.
I love that little trash compactor... Best movie this summer, alongside Dark Knight.
Oh, and nintendofreakgcn:
This is as bad as the time someone said Ratatouille was offensive because the rat doesn't wear any clothing. No wait. I don't think anything tops that. But it's still pretty bad.
All these anti-Disney fundies and I can't find one fundy review/complaint/whatever about Aladdin. It's really annoying.
I haven't watched the movie, but...yeah.
From what I heard, it didn't beat you over the head with an environmental consciousness theme like Ferngully or Once Upon a Forest (yeaaah...am I showing my age here?) or even Captain Planet, but it wasn't neccessarily human-bashing .
I didn't see anyone from Sea Shepard or Earth First! in the credits on IMDB, so...I think I'll wait for it to come out on DVD, because I don't feel the need to spend $7.50 on a movie ticket, but that's just me.
...was done to further the agenda by the wealthy in the world who don't live as they preach.
How odd. I hadn't realized that WALL-E was financed by Wall Street bankers. I suppose the name should have given it away.
“Wall-e” was a terrible film for kids and was done to further the agenda by the wealthy in the world who don't live as they preach."
wait, what? what does this statement even mean?
Yeah, it's funny how "Stewards of the Earth" becomes "Rape, Pillage, and otherwise fuck things up to your heart's content."
I'm surprised he didn't pick up on EVE and say all women belong in the kitchen and aren't allowed to take charge, as EVE did, even if they're a robot with a female acronym for a name. Anyway, do fundies even know what "steward of the earth" means? Stewards are supposed to watch over something, treat it preciously and rule with gentle guidance, not trash and burn everything in sight.
I thought Wall-E was a great movie. It was entertaining, had a valuable message and, as everything from Pixar, was excellently produced.
And as others have pointed out; his kid probably did like the film before his father started gesticulating and pink foam started accumulating in the corners of his mouth.
Wall-E is not a film for kids, at all, I'd say. According to Wikipedia it's a "computer animated science fiction romantic comedy film".
People need to realize that not all animated films are children's movies anymore.
This movie clearly showed what happens when you refuse to be stewards of the Earth as God ordered Adam and Eve to be.
Chapter and verse where the Bible is pro-oil and pro-nuclear power, please.
Isn't consumerism what one of the Ten Commandments prohibit; "Do Not Covet"?
Oh noes, not pro-green!!! Why would we ever want a living, thriving Earth?
If you want more Christian movies, then make more Christian movies, stupid!
The wealthy of the world are heavily criticized in this movie, silly; they are Buy n Large, the Big Bad in the story. Did you miss that part?
If you want your children to like the movie, check that it's a children's movie...
Of course a fundamentalist would not care for this movie. All three 'Stories' in it (Wall-e and Eve, The Captain vs Auto, the two passengers) are about ordinary people, and machines, going against what they are told / expected to do, and think for themselves.
That said I personally felt it was one of the best films I have seen in a while, apart from the magic kiss at the end that repaired his corrupted hard drive
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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