‘Feminists’ only became interested in the sciences one they saw that money was being made there.
Same goes for the military. Once the pensions and health benefits looked attractive to women, they wanted in.
Women are biologically wired, via millions of years of evolution, to go where resources are being generated, with the sole hope that some of that will be given to them before some other woman gets there.
All life is biologically wired, via billions of years of evolution, to go where resources are being generated, with the sole hope that some of that will be given to them before some other life-form gets there.
There... fixed that for you, stupid. Now stop breathing - that oxygen could be used for many other more important things.
2016? And even before late 2012...:
Ain't Reality a bitch : Literally?! >:D
Speaking as a feminist man , nope, not seeing any downsides in the above. And I lived through the Second Dark Ages, i.e. The real Antichrist Maggie Thatcher (*spit *), so you tell me, o Raygun-rimming right -winger. [/paradox]
"Feminists" were interested in science before the concept of feminism was invented.
Women are just as involved in the generating of resources as men are, and most know that very little is just "given" to anyone; you have to acquire resources on your own.
Marie Curie made her discoveries long before female scientists - or scientists in general - were making lots of money.
Lady Fu Hao led 3000 Chinese soldiers into battle in the 13th century BC.
The Goths had women fighting alongside their men, as the Romans discovered in 271 BC.
Then, of course, there's Jean d'Arc.
You think they were highly-paid?
Of course, the fact that TFH thinks the US military gives generous pensions says that he has never served in the military himself - just like most MRAs, he's too much of a coward.
Women are biologically wired, via millions of years of evolution, to go where resources are being generated, with the sole hope that some of that will be given to them before some other woman gets there.
Funny, that sounds a lot like men. I guess men and women really are the same.
"Same goes for the military. Once the pensions and health benefits looked attractive to women, they wanted in."
You've never served in the military, have you? Here are a few points for you;
1) Active duty health "benefits" are not what they're cracked up to be. There's a reason why the military has so many young, inexperienced doctors, because they don't have to pay malpractice insurance and cannot be sued in the military.
2) I can tell you first hand that my military pension, while better than nothing, is not very much. There's a reason retired military members get another job after retirement and end up working that job until they can get a second retirement.
3) Continued health care after retirement is better, only because we can finally go see civilian doctors. If you have an VA covered disability, good luck just getting an appointment to be seen.
Feminists’ only became interested in the sciences one they saw that money was being made there.
Few, if anyone goes into the Sciences for the money. They do it for the love of learning and expanding Human knowledge. Woman entered the Sciences when they were allowed access to education. In Britain it is a little over a century since women were allowed to take their degrees at University.
And your misogyny is really showing. You seem to think that Woman are a species apart; a parasitic one at that. Humanity is a species of two sexes. Different but equal. That is why Humans are top of the food chain. It was only with the dawning of civilisation, organised religion and sufficient wealth being produced that society could afford to subjugate half of the Human race.
In approximately 530 BC, Queen Tomyris of the Massagetae and her army defeated the army of Cyrus the Great.
In 1429, Joan of Arc led the armies of France at the siege of Orleans and later in numerous victories that turned the tide of the Hundred Years War to France's favor.
Seems that evolution made women just as capable of being in the military and being military leaders as men, and it has nothing to do with modern pensions or paychecks.
We've only know that for at least 2500 years.
I'll also wait for this piece of shit to cough up his DD-214 with an honorable discharge.
Because this woman has hers, right fucking here.
Bring it, MRA coward filth.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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