Separation of Mosque & State is not as PC as Church & State separation...
I smell willful ignorance here. Sepration of Church and State isn't picking on you. It's saying that NO religion has the right to stick their fingers in the state. Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Pastafarianism...all of them.
...cuz Christians don't blow people up...
Horseshit, you guys just tend to be left standing after the fact, as opposed to martyring yourselves.
...or fly into buildings...
Your point? You've had your own moments of..."creativity," too, y'know.
...we just try to save life in the womb...
Ignoring the fact that the mother may not survive the birth, and occasionally by bombing abortion clinics, or murdering the doctors that perform the abortions. But it's for JESUS, so it's okay, right?
...and preserve morality in our nation.
By stripping people of rights, and if they step past your "morality" you have a lovely tendancy to beat or kill them.
Yes, you are so morally superior to the evil Muslim Extremists...