vsthreadmaker12 #fundie gamefaqs.com
sat question: how many legs do insects have?
tc puts 4, tc fails
If the Bible says that insects have four legs, then the SAT is wrong and I am write, period ! =)
I do not no why they even made me go to hih school . And I tried to be held back one grade but they let me go on to tenth grade then I got hold enough to drop out. I had to hear the doctrine of evolution in biology tho. but i forgot all about so now I am happy ! =)
I would not survive a year in College unless it was a Bible College . Many of the people like me go there so I will do great . =)
I want to be like this person when i grow up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BYaKAjh_Mk
I will always oppose the evils of athiesm and humanism and intellectualism.