Why do atheist get day's off on religious holiday's?
1) Atheist here gets a plural, as I assume you were referring to more than one. Good job on at least spelling it correctly, though. -1
2) Neither "days," nor "holidays" needs an apostrophe, as you are referring to plurals, not ownership. -2
3) To answer your question, it's usually because their place of employment is closed on those days. Since the business is not open, the employee cannot come in and work.
if they hate God so much why do they think they should get a day off work to praise Him?
1) Capital "I" for "If," as it starts a sentence. -1
2) Comma after "much." -1
3) Atheists don't necessarily hate your god. We simply don't believe in him.
4) Again, it's not that we feel we should get the day off, it's that our place of employment is closed. Look at it this way. At the Naval Squadron I was previously stationed at, we had an Australian pilot as an instructor. The squadron was closed for July 4th, as it's an American holiday. Because there was no flying that day, the Australian pilot also got the day off. It's not that he felt that even though he isn't American, he should get an American holiday off, it's that the American squadron he flew with wasn't working, so he didn't have to. Unless you feel he should have come in anyway?
I'm SICK of the way there ruining our once proud Christian country with there homosexuality and so-called 'science'
1) "They're," not "there." -1
2) You forgot the period at the end of the sentence. -1
3) Not all atheists are gay. Not even most are. I suspect that homosexuality occurs in atheists at the same rate that it occurs in the rest of the human race.
4) Science is ruining this country? Do you really want to go there? After all, you are using the internet to type this, aren't you?
Overall, you receive a -7 on my grammar scale. Please retake basic English grammar.