repent #fundie

Unfortunately in the West we do have liberals, who are actually communists, who are power hungry and have no respect at all to the traditions and values of their countries.

Their aim is to build up a huge state and have themselves in the top echelons of it telling everyone what to do.

They despise people's freedoms. They don't respect that people would rather go to Church and learn about God rather than go to their museums and be brainwashed that there is no creator and that evolution did it all.

They don't respect that people would rather have money in thier own pocket to spend as they wish rather than having more of their income taken away by the government for the liberals/communists to spend for them.

Evolution is a tool of the communists to undermine Christianity and its morality. This because they want to be the people setting the morality for everyone else. They hate the fact that many look above their heads towards God for morality.

Surely, a confident scientist who believes in evolution would not be that concerned that the public, many of whom do not have scientific training, believe in evolution or not.

But these people are obsessed about public opinion on this subject. They go on and on about it. They can't stand the thought that people believe God created everything and that we descend from Adam and not pondscum.

Why are they so obsessed? Because it is not about science. This is a political-religious agenda by the liberals/communists to dismantle Christianity and impose a communist regime in the West.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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