CH #fundie
In Sane World, this photo would elicit gushing admiration. In our current Clown World, it’s eliciting howls of outrage and fissures of butthurt from the degenerate freak mafia.
An attractive, slender mother cradles her infant to her bosom, while a muscular White man — an anonymous hero with his cap brim pulled over his eyes — cradles them both and carries them to safety. Is there a better symbol of the natural hierarchy between man, woman, and child? It’s Beauty in its simplicity of Truth, and that’s why it’s a Weapon of Mass Triggering. The Bitter Ugly Mole People screech in pain when they are forced to stare at the sun.
Allegedly, the White man is not the woman’s husband. Her husband is the man escorting his Nikes to dry land.
Disaster response, by race.
Chads: cooperate and coordinate rescue missions and charitable assistance
Looter-Americans: take advantage of chaos for personal enrichment, bitch about delay in charity
The Mohel Minority: find way to use disaster as pretext to politically weaken gentile enemy
Mexifornians: siesta