The Supreme Court's unconscionable ruling released on Friday, which imposes recognition of sodomy-based marriage on the entire United States, will have devastating consequences for our nation.
Our first national sin was slavery. It took a civil war and 600,000 American deaths before we turned as a people from that abomination both culturally and in our national public policy.
Our second national sin is abortion, which the Court embraced on our behalf in 1973. We have yet to turn from that pernicious form of evil. God's justice demands an accounting for the shed blood of 57 million innocents.
Now the Court has added a third national sin to the list by embracing sexual perversion and ordering everybody in America to accept it or else. Who knows what kind of national catastrophe it will take to humble us as a people and persuade us to turn from the wickedness of murdering the unborn and engaging in sexual perversion?
If it took a civil war to compel us to deal with slavery, I shudder to think of what awaits us.
The Supreme Court on Friday jeopardized the eternal souls of millions of Americans by justifying the sin of homosexuality. The Court has used its considerable authority to communicate the exceedingly dangerous message that homosexual marriage is not a perversion to be renounced but a constitutional right to be celebrated and promoted.
Thus the Court has moved millions of impressionable Americans one giant step further from repentance and eternal life. Who knows how many of them will use the Court's ruling to defend their own behavior. The liberal majority will have much to answer for on The Day.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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