"For ID evidence: how do we get the sexes, sexual reproduction, organs, self-healing skin, hearts that beat for a lifetime without any external energy source, our computer-like brains, our eyes and the ability to see colors?"
Where were you, when Michael Behe needed your piercing testimony, your laser-sharp & bright evidence, powerful enough to blast through any & all doubt in the evidence submitted by the plaintiffs, and thus illuminate (and therefore educate) all & sundry in Kitzmiller vs. Dover five years ago?
...oh yes, that's right. Even the testimonies by Behe were at best pseudo-scientific bollocks, at worst made a laughingstock of the 'Intelligent Design's case - and not only 'I.D's cause, but the Religious Right's educational agenda as a whole.
As a result of such 'illuminating' testimony by Behe et al, Judge John E. Jones III - himself a Conservative Christian - had no other option, but to find for the plaintiffs. Thus the teaching of 'Intelligent Design' (a.k.a. Creationism by Stealth) became unconstitutional. Therefore making the teaching of ID/Creationism in all accredited educational establishments in the US illegal.
And at a single stroke, one of your ilk, Barb, helped the cause of Atheism in the US in ways that not even we Atheists could've imagined in our wildest dreams. Ergo, a 'designer' (i.e. 'God') didn't create this universe, this world & all the life on it - including humans. QED.
The law says so.
John E. Jones III was apponted to the Federal bench by George Dumbya Bush. Dumbya was voted in by you fundies. Therefore you Religious Right types are responsible for the annihilation of the Religious Right's educational agenda. Irony. It can be such a cruel bitch eh, Barb?