I don't like the term pro choice. It is so steril, so innocent sounding, so misleading.
Meaning you can't hurl it at us. Pro-Choice is very accurate, as we support a woman's choice to CHOOSE. We promote neither end of the spectrum, but feel a woman should be supported either way.
Actually, the term should be pro deathers... those who are for the death of the life in the womb.
At least we acknowledge that the womb is attached to a life of it's own...one that will be profoundly affected by what is growing inside of it. Some women just can't handle that, and frankly, I feel in such a case, it's far more responsible to abort, than to raise a child in neglect, or hurl it onto a foster care system that's already overburdened.
They, apparently, think it is okay to impose their morals on others (the unborn) and then hypocritically accuse pro-life people of doing the same thing to women.
We impose no morals. We tell no one to do anything. We support a woman's choice. EITHER WAY. To carry OR to abort. You guys are the ones forcing your morality on people.
pro deathers redefine life, baby, choice, to their preferences in order to try and control the conversation. Now thanks, I don't play that game.
Because life is blurry at best. To defend a fetus...how can you not support a sperm's right then? Or an egg? By every definition of the word, an embryo fits the description of a parasite. Do you support tapeworm rights, too? Not to mention, you pound on how you're Pro-Life, but I fail to see you guys doing anything to support said life once it REACHES this world. And a baby is, by every definition, a person that is BORN. We stand by that against your appeals to emotion by screaming BABY KILLER at anyone near an abortion clinic. And how are we redefining choice? We uphold a woman's right to the option. Seems like the standard definition of CHOICE to me. You guys are the ones that sling words around for no purpose other than to incite emotions, with no regard to their meaning.
Let's say it how it is.
Pro deathers
Again, we do not advocate death at all. Hillary Clinton, I believe, stated most Pro-Lifers' stance on abortion quite well, and I paraphrase it. "Accessable, and rare."
womb scrapers
baby haters
Woman Haters. See, I can sling around slurs, too.
imflammatory? You betcha. Don't like it? Oh well.
I just find it telling of your stance when the best you have is name calling.
Sometimes to get through a thick skull and hard heart you have to use the proper terminology, the kind that isn't stripped of meaning, the kind that doesn't make it easy to close your eyes and look the other way.
Like how the benevolent Pro-Life crowd will rabidly defend the right of a fetus to grow, no matter how capable a woman is of carrying it, no matter what quality of life she, or the child will enjoy, no matter how crippling the defect, just so long as your morality is appeased, and whoever else is harmed in the process be damned. And that filthy whore better not go sniffing around you guys for any support, either. She brought it on herself.
I'm against killing the baby for convenience sake.
And I'm against bringing a baby into this world under duress. I'm against having a baby for anyone's sake other than your own, because you will be the one caring for it. I'm against forcing a woman to forgo her life for one little oops. I'm against forcing a responsibility on a woman she's not up to handling. THIS IS NOT A GODDAMN PUPPY! This is a human being you're forcing on someone. One that will get hungry. One that will need attention. One that will demand everything the mother has, and then some. It's not like it just appears, and that's the end of it.