"I am still waiting on a large company to come out and endorse "Christians"! Will it ever happen?"
Well, once you're actually Persecuted - as in abused physically/verbally/psychologically & subject to 'Religophobia' - just as you & your ilk have been doing so to them via homophobia - then maybe, just maybe, will you garner the merest hint of sympathy from the likes of Pepsico, McDonald's, Disney etc.
...oh, and speaking of the latter, as in leisure parks:
Butlins Holiday Camps.
Every year - at Easter - they hold what is called 'Spring Harvest', an annual Christian festival. Even in my time, when Butlins was more than just Skegness, Bognor Regis & Minehead, at Filey, post-September (and the end of the official Spring/Summer seasons for regular holidaymakers), they'd have a two week Christian convention.
All part of what is in the contract; no matter who owns the organisation, it must always be called 'Butlins', and host at least one annual Christian festival in perpetuity, reflecting it's founder Sir Billy Butlin's own devout C-of-E Christian beliefs. Why not Google 'Butlins'; I'm sure they'd be glad of the extra business! (and there's discounts for those existing holidaymakers with them, who 'recommend a friend'; 'Win-Win' or what?! >:D )
...oh, and there is already: http://gaychristian.net/. Have your cake and eat it, much? [/smartarse]
@Mystik Spiral
I doubt those establishments exist here in the UK (hell, it's only a couple of months ago we got a 'Krispy Kreme' in a shopping mall in my locale! :9 ). But there's always the deli/rotisserie section in my local Morrison's supermarket. Medium roast chickens; 30 mins or so prior to closing, they reduce such (as well as their pies, pasties etc), to as little as £1 each. That in itself makes this chicken more than addictive! [/penny-pinching Yorkshireman] X3