The whole article is pretty good, as Matt goes on to explain how the public school system is working precisely as designed. The fact is that if you believe in public education, you are every bit as much a Nazi as someone who believes Jews should be oven-baked and every bit as much a Communist as someone who believes in the abolition of private property. Adolf Hitler and Karl Marx were both absolutely avid advocates of public education, in fact, "Free education for all children in government schools" is the tenth plank of the Communist Manifesto.
Public school is systematic child abuse. It is that simple. Don't ever be defensive about home schooling. When someone asks you why you homeschool, just tell them "public school is child abuse" and give them the opportunity to explain how and why that statement is incorrect. They will not be able to do so.
Listen, I don't know much about the American school system, but even I can detect the strong whiff of bullshit all the way over here on the other side of the world.
And you should be kicked in the balls good and hard for that "oven-baked" remark.
While National Socialism is totalitarian and Communism can be totalitarian, that's about all they have in common, other than their membership is comprised of carbon-based lifeforms. Do Americans really not grasp that Nazism, Communism, socialism and liberalism have meanings that are distinct from one another? Because in my experience, they toss these words and terms around as if they deem them to be interchangeable.
Fuck you, asshole.
Adolf Hitler and Karl Marx were both absolutely avid advocates of public education,
Don't forget that they both ate sugar, too.
Is this chump aware that he finds public education so terrible, his children have a number of options, including a variety of religious based schools, schools based on different educational theories and of course, homeschooling.
Of course, this means he will have to expend some time, effort and folding green on education. Maybe that's his complaint: he wants his kids to have the education he wants and he wants his fellow citizens to pay for it.
"The fact is that if you believe in public education, you are every bit as much a Nazi as someone who believes Jews should be oven-baked "
Hitler's Table Talk, July 25, l942:
'From where do we get the right to believe, that from the
very beginning Man was not what he is today? Looking at
Nature tells us, that in the realm of plants and animals
changes and developments happen. But nowhere inside a
kind shows such a development as the breadth of the jump,
as Man must supposedly have made, if he has
developed from an ape-like state to what he is today.'
Nazis outlawed evolution just like you want to. It's just that simple.
Every American I know is very well aware of the distinctions between Nazism, Communism, socialism and liberalism. It's just that for the assorted Teahadis, Birchers, fundies and others that get quoted on this site, they are interchangeable as terms of abuse. What they have in common is that, in their view, they all represent modernism. And while the Tea Party, the John Birch Society and Christian fundamentalism are all products of modernity, they object to anything they perceive to be modernist, from Karl Marx to evolution to heavy metal.
"Free education for all children in government schools" is the tenth plank of the Communist Manifesto."
Too fucking right it is. Speaking as a left -wing Atheist and a product of British state education, why do you think Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron is a huge promoter of the National Curriculum in our state schools? (and that makes teaching Evolution & the Big Bang - even in 'Faith' schools that receive any state funding; even private tutoring & homeschooling - compulsory ). I can give you just one reason, summed up in one word: China .
...but hey, VD, you want your precious USA to become educationally inferior to your nearest superpower rival - who aren't allowing their resulting educated talent to be hamstrung by mere 'religion' - you go right ahead (BTW, what colour is the sky in the dimension you live in; as opposed to, say, where the rest of we normal, sane people live: Planet Reality). Only, don't say I didn't warn you. And your precious 'Anyone but Obama' candidate Mittens Romney was all for outsourcing to China. Question: Why ?!
Like I say, the state education system here in the UK, defended by Conservative PMs present & past, including your precious Raygun's arselicker Maggie Thatcher (*spit *).
No wonder then, that Karl Marx is buried in Highgate Cemetery, right here in the UK...?! >:D
What? Public education makes you a Naz-
Oh it's just Vox Day. Never mind, anything he says can be dismissed as the ravings of a lunatic.
This from the guy who compared the god he worships to Hitler:
"As for the frightening flames of hell, they need not be viewed as a matter of punishment, either. After all, even earthly compost is known to produce a good deal of heat by the mere virtue of being thrown into a pile. Hell may well be nothing more than an eternal compost pile for human trash that has rendered itself useless to God by rejecting His offer of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Since all are fallen, we have all been standing in the long line awaiting hell at one time or another. In much the same way that the camp guards of the SS-Totenkopfverbände once reassured Jews lined up for their lethal showers, Rob Bell is now encouraging those who stand in that line to remain there calmly awaiting their eventual destination instead of urging them to repent and remove themselves from the black parade. And in doing so, he is much more aptly described as a servant of hell than as a minister of Jesus Christ."
Venereal Disease is one to be accusing other people of being Nazis.
Adolf Hitler and Karl Marx were also both absolutely avid advocates of trousers. Everyone who uses trousers are every bit as much a Nazi as them.
Or, ya know, NOT! (Karl Marx was left-wing btw, and Nazism is a right-wing ideology.)
It's easier to hide child abuse when you're homeschooling your kids. In Sweden, it was mandatory to send your kids to public school, when I was a child. It was a true "No child left behind" school, the kids who needed more help got it, and most were able to catch up with their class. This schooling took Sweden to the top (I don't remember if it was Top 5 or Top 10) of education in the world. Now, when home-schooling and private schools are allowed, we have fallen to 23rd or something.
The person making a claim is the person responsible for proving that claim. The one who's skeptic don't have to provide evidence for his/her skepticism.
Making it so that children can only learn what furthers your own agenda is not good for a child. Children should learn about facts and socialization, not locked up and told how evil liberals are. You're just turning a child into another intellectually-blank dingbat, such as yourself.
That was easy
PS- The Nazis were against smoking. I guess that means smoking is good for you.
"Adolf Hitler and Karl Marx were both absolutely avid advocates of public education, in fact, "Free education for all children in government schools" is the tenth plank of the Communist Manifesto."
No it isn't, it's only one third of the "tenth plank" it continues as follows: "Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc., etc."
Which would mean that, as even Hitler rather send German boys to the front than lettting them work in factories, by your own "logic" you either are for child labor or would like to seize all private property.
Don't quote mine leftists, we've usually got their work handy to shove your "quotes" back up your ass were they came from.
"Public school is systematic child abuse. It is that simple. Don't ever be defensive about home schooling. When someone asks you why you homeschool, just tell them "public school is child abuse" and give them the opportunity to explain how and why that statement is incorrect. They will not be able to do so."
Yeah, because the statement is so outlandish that most people immediately recognize you as a crazy person, and don't even try anymore.
Oh, and I of course thank the German public school system and German public universities, they taught me enough to understand that you are full of shit and gave me the skills to say it in foreign language.
A shitty writer protestesting people learning how to read. It's like he wants everyone to hate and ignore him.
If it were anyone else I might be surprised but VD is a living ego booster for pond scum. He is the one stop bix box putting village idiots out of a job and constantly expanding. He should be Conservapedia's fact checker.
Adolf Hitler and Karl Marx were both absolutely avid advocates of public education
They were also avid advocates of using roads. If you've ever driven on a road then that's exactly the same thing as killing 6 million Jews!
When someone asks you why you homeschool, just tell them "public school is child abuse" and give them the opportunity to explain how and why that statement is incorrect. They will not be able to do so.
"Religion is child abuse"... now prove that incorrect.
What's that? It's not your job to prove something incorrect, it's MY job to prove it is correct? Boy, I'm sure glad you didn't ever make that same mistake... would be real embarrassing...
Public education has been believed into by such diverse individuals than Charlemagne, Frederick the Great of Prussia, Maria Theresa of Hungary, Jules Ferry and the Aztec rulers among others not known to be advocates of Nazism and Communism.
The "oven-baked" bit is very distateful.
This guy can't ever say anything sane, apparently. Public education is important and so it should meet high standards. Problems arise when society doesn't place enough importance in schools. There is a difference between education and indoctrination only imbeciles can't comprehend.
Homeschooling can be abusive. Let's not pretend that it's perfect and can't do a grave disservice to children.
If you think public school is child abuse, Vox, back up your statement with some facts.
Oh, what am I saying? You have yet to meet a fact that you liked, Vox. Your whole life is spent promoting toxic fantasies as though you had any opinions worth a damn.
I don't think homeschooling helped put a man on the moon.
@ 1602855
And of course discrimination based on social class, race, and religion doesn't exist in private schools that can and will specifically screen out the poor and nonconformist and give students that incease the school's prestige preferrential treatment does it?
No, wait... it's infinitely worse.
School Ties is tame compared to the reality of it. Let's tackle bullying and it's precipitating factors instead of strangling affordable education out of misdirected anger.
Public school is not child abuse. Public school gives every child, regardless of their socioeconomic stratum, the same opportunity to get a good (provided the school system is well-funded) education. You know what is child abuse? Refusing allow your children to learn or be exposed to anything that contradicts your dogmatic religious views - whether you're a school board member gutting public school science curricula and filling them with religion (Establishment Clause? What Establishment Clause?) or a homeschool parent sheltering your child from objective reality.
Too right!
I mean, you never see children in the third world cheerfully walking several miles a day to attend a public school, instead they much prefer to stay at home and be educated by their over-worked parents.
Oh sorry, this is the real world, isn't it ?
The fact is that if you believe in public education, you are every bit as much a Nazi as someone who believes Jews should be oven-baked
Weren't you the one gushing about how efficiently Nazi Germany moved millions of undesirables into camps en masse just a little while ago, and wondering why it is America couldn't do the same today?
I have seen kids who have experienced child abuse. Being in public school is usually the most stable, safe and best part of their day. Public school doesn't replace good parents, but this jackass has never seen child abuse. Those of us that work in public school have, and we would like to invite him to experience it for himself or shut up.
Except that in the real world Vox we reply to it with "homeschooling is child abuse" and sight actual goddamn examples.
As for Hitler, Marx, et al, Hitler's not a Communist. And he ate sugar. You gonna cut sugar out of your diet Vox?
The sad part? This is pretty sane for Vox.
... says the ignoramus who agrees with Fascism on every other topic...
Of course, his position would switch to the other extreme the very instant he ends up in a position where he could dictate educational policy.
Also, you are not the only fringe group that distrusts mainstream society and would prefer to indoctrinate its children within the confines of its own isolated parallel society, rather than exposing them to the complex reality of the outside world, where they might end up forming their own opinions! Should Jihadist parents be allowed to raise their children as soldiers in a war against all infidels? Should Communist parents be allowed to prepare their children for their role in the Glorious Revolution? Should Anarchist parents be allowed to instruct their children to bring down the government? Should Feminist parents be allowed to teach their daughters to castrate men and their sons to subjugate themselves to women?
Well, nice to know that I have been abused for twelve years. How could I fail to notice that???
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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