*assuming here "intelligence" in species is something that can be measured, in some way
Think of the distribution of "intelligence" after billions of years of evolution. If you graphed it for every species excluding humans, sure some species would be smarter than others (e.g. circus animals smarter than my cat who's not the brightest), but not that much variation really.
Now add human beings, and you'd see a huge spike in your graph. It is reasonably to ask how evolution over billions of years could have produced one "species" that stands out so much. The only species to make its way to the moon. This species also has not even been challenged by another species for control of the earth (though the dinosaurs might have been a struggle).
Explain this one away evolutionists- doubt you can.
First of all, I don't think the "huge spike" you mention is as big as you think, expecially with people like you ruining the grade curve.
Secondly, without our intelligence we humans are pathetic animals. It was the only thing that saved our ancestors asses when faced with bigger, stronger and faster preditors AND prey.
Thirdly, humans and dinosaurs never lived at the same time but there has certainly been many dominant species before humans and there is no doubt that someday in the distant future there will be a new dominant species to replace us (for one reason or another)
You don't want someone to explain it to you, you just want to argue with people about your unchangable beliefs. If you really want it to be explained, read a book for once in your pathetic life. They're much better sources of knowledge than whatever second hand information you can get based on what someone can recall within the few minutes that they take to prepare their reply.
It's simpy a trait that doesn't seem to evolve easily or readily. You could say the same of platypi- they have an electric sensing mechanism in their bill, similar to radar or lydar, that doesn't appear in any other animal. It doesn't mean they were created; it just means that very specific conditions were nessecary for it to evolve, unlike an eye, leg, or lung.
/stolen wholesale from Dawkins.
I'm not sure how big the difference in intelligence actually is. A much more important thing is our ability to share our thoughts, ways of thinking and knowledge efficiently (compared to the other animals) with other humans. And we keep pushing that ability with things like the ability to read and write and the Internet and other communication networks. If we were as limited in communication as the chimpanzees, I don't think we would have got much (if at all) further than them. There's absolutely no way we would have made it to the moon in that case.
Gaining the control we have now was in itself challenging. We haven't been challenged after that, but in evolutionary time we did it just now. And what about the Neanderthals? They may have challenged us, but something happened to them. There are still plenty of things that could challenge us (although probably not in the sense of taking our place). In any case "dinosaurs" is not a species.
It has the explanation of adaptation to the environment. If you compare humans with other animals, we´re one of the weakest physically and so, we have to develop intelligence. Actually chimpanzees are in a very similar situation, same as dolphins, whose way of life is similar to humans. What they don´t have, though, is soul, or awareness, in other words, of their condition. That´s what´s ONLY human.
I'm going to respond with a butchered Douglas Adams quote.
"Humans had always thought that they were more intelligent than dolphins because they had invented so many things; war, TV, New York. Dolphins had always thought they were more intelligent than humans for exactly the same reasons."
"*assuming here "neck length" in species is something that can be measured, in some way
Think of the distribution of "neck length" after billions of years of evolution. If you graphed it for every species excluding giraffes, sure some species would be more long-necked than others (e.g. snakes longer than my cat who's not the longest), but not that much variation really.
Now add giraffes, and you'd see a huge spike in your graph. It is reasonably to ask how evolution over billions of years could have produced one "species" that stands out so much. The only species to make its way to the trees with really high leaves on them. This species also has not even been challenged by another species for control of the earth (though the dinosaurs might have been a struggle).
Explain this one away evolutionists- doubt you can."
I dunno. I can't explain it. Giraffes are God's chosen race.
Sure, we were fairly smart for a while. And then somebody (no one is quite sure who) invented the television, and it all went downhill from there. The vast majority of humans are characterised by stupidity, not intelligence. It's really not hard to tell, especially if you read Dilbert .
@ Matilde
The amount of evidence for souls existing even for humans is exactly bupkis. If there is some kind of intangible animating life force, I'm sure all living things have it.
Dolphins and chimps definitely possess self recognition. They can look in a mirror and recognize that it's an image of themselves and not another individual. In humans, the ability to recognize oneself in a mirror marks the beginning of self awareness.
Think of the distribution of "body mass" after billions of years of evolution. If you graphed it for every species excluding blue whales...
Think of the distribution of "pigmentation" after billions of years of evolution. If you graphed it for every species excluding peacocks...
Think of the distribution of "eyesight" after billions of years of evolution. If you graphed it for every species excluding raptors...
etc. etc.
Ironic, though, that someone making that nonsensical argument comes riding on the high horse of intellectual superiority to other creatures.
What kind of intelligence are we talking about.
The intelligence needed to ascertain the distance and direction to a flower-field from a dance perfomed by a scouting bee?
The intelligence needed to spot a mouse from a great height and swoop down silently to catch it, like an eagle or a falcon?
The intelligence needed to take care of an orphaned infant from another species? This has been seen in many mammals, not just in humans.
Neanderthals were a bit of a challenge, as they had about the same "intelligence" as Cro-Magnons. We were more able to adapt, so we survived, but we still have some genes left from interbreeding.
Dinosaurs died out 63 million years before the first Great Ape ancestor emerged.
Chimpanzees, gorillas and dolphins all have quite a lot of "intelligence".
We're also the only species able to destroy the Earth. Is that progress?
humans have intelligence and opposable thumbs and a need to make shelters so they dont freeze in winter.
Your average dog cant use a hammer (no thumbs) but manages to dig shelters.
I think you overestimate human intelligence.
bacteria own the planet.
> e.g. circus animals smarter than my cat who's not the brightest
I've seen the cat show in the Moscow State Circus. They're not smart.
> This species also has not even been challenged by another species for control of the earth (though the dinosaurs might have been a struggle).
Be honest: you said dinosaurs because you couldn't think of any other pre-human fauna at all, could you?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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