My son is homosexual, it breaks my heart. I will not disown him. I pray for him and his partner. I tell them same sex attraction and action is wrong. What more can I do. I show the love of God and tell them of their eternal consequences of living like a married couple but they don't listen. It makes me so very sad
What more can you do? Tell him he will always be your son and you love him...then shut up. Resist all temptation to be judgmental and talk about hell fire. Be as kind to his partner as you would have been to a daughter-in-law, scratch that, be KINDER. Be happy that he is happy.
What more can you do? Stop and think. Look at your son. Look at how happy he is. Look at how nothing he has done has harmed anyone. Ask yourself if the god you worship would really condemn him for being happy. If your answer is still 'yes', then ask yourself if that is the sort of god you'd dedicate yourself to.
Milly Peede is a pathetic drama queen who loves to pose as a wounded heroine in order to get one over on her own son.
These people, who live in a decent country with a decent education, have wilfully thrown their goodness away for their own self-gratification. They make me want to puke.
My son is homosexual.
My god is okay with that.
Oh, wait, no, I don't have a god. Jettisoned it as surplus to needs a long time ago.
So ive never had to choose between my actual loved ones who really exist, and an invisible friend...
If you truly loved your son, and loved him more than your god, let him live his life as he sees fit. Otherwise, you're meddling in affairs that don't concern you in the guise of your god.
Doug 'Piranha' Jones is very happy that his son is gay.
So what's your excuse, Millie Tant...?!
At the above swearing in of Jones in the Senate - with said son giving him the stink eye - Mike Penis isn't very happy.
It's a taste of things to come in just three months, fundies.
I can kinda see the logic here. If you sincerely believe that there is an eldritch abomination that will torture anyone who doesn't submit to it to the point that it will not even allow them to die, and that there is no hope of killing this thing, wouldn't love compel you to dedicate everything you have to persuading people to submit? The only thing fundy here is genuinely loving said cosmic horror, but since loving it is one of the requirements of submitting, a little Orwellian doublethink can do wonders for your mental health there.
Why is it wrong? What's the big difference between same-sex and opposite-sex attraction and action?
No, "God says so" is not a good answer. WHY did he say so; what's the reasoning behind thinking it's wrong?
Perhaps the love of God is what made them find each other?
What more can you do? You can be happy that your son is happy and in love, and living with his loved one.
@Doubting Thomas & Nemo
While I actually can grasp that reasoning, at least, assuming the world is a RL cosmic horror story, there is still the fact that these people aren't actually following said cosmic horror's commands. They are merely, through herd mentality, following other mortals who claim to be following and transferring said commands, but in reality are merely forcing their own will upon the populace to stay in power.
That does make me think of an interesting thought experiment though. Should all religious fundies in the world somehow be convinced that, if they stop worshiping said cosmic horror, it will truly vanish from existence(*), would they do so? After all, no more fear repercussions anymore for anything. Freely allowing one to do as they please... Or would their sick desire for bondage and lack of responsibility be too strong and would they rather strengthen said horror?
Questions, questions, questions...
(*) After all, it's a surprisingly common theme in most fantasy works (like Discworld, Percy Jackson, American Gods, Persona...) that gods and such only exist as long as the collective unconscious believes they exist. Which kinda makes one wonder if our own collective unconscious is trying to tell us something...
OK then, well it's not your fault, that old stuff about blaming the mother is history now, according to experts. One thing that is your fault, is being a religious bigot. Since you haven't disowned your boy, maybe the cure lies along those lines {Well I can hope!}.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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