lordmorgul #fundie blog.wired.com
All of which does absolutely nothing to argue against the possibility that Creation occurred and natural selection has had a minor effect on species afterward.
Science CANNOT prove that creation never happened, and it never will. The reason this is true is very simple and irrefutable: you cannot observe it.
Assume for a second God is capable of creating something. If he can create something from nothing, then he can create that something in ANY INITIAL CONDITION. Given that fact, he could have created a universe in partially expanded condition which appears to originate with the Big Bang. He could have created fossils within his created planet earth which appear to have aged millions of years (all he had to do was add the right ratio of carbon isotopes). If he could create, then it is logical to assume he considered initial condition of his creation.
To assert with any certainty that creation could not have happened is to display your ignorance, because you simply cannot know this.
To say you do not believe it happened, and you instead choose to believe scientific data which SUGGESTS something else, is perfectly valid and logical. That does not make it fact.
Keep your minds open people (and not just the one type of 'open' that really means closed to anything but liberal propaganda).