Athiest, U prove there is God!!!!!?
Bcuz u exist and u oppose God, then sorry but U just PROVED there is God.
Light and dark. Hot and cold?
Answer me that, Athiest?
Bcuz if there were no God their wouldnt be any Athiests.
We don't oppose God, we oppose the belief that God exists.
Light and dark. Hot and cold. Theism and atheism.
No, it's nothing like light and dark because both light and absence of light can exist in different places at the same time. You can't have both a God and an absence of a God.
Same with hot and cold, with the addition that one of those is not even the absence of the other.
In conclusion: wtf are you talking about?
Leave me out of your delusion, OK?
Light and and cold...flip and flop...atheists and abysmally stupid fucktards.
"Light and dark. Hot and cold"
No. That proves that there is Yin and Yang, the concept of Chi and how it flows harmoniously through us all. Thus, Taosm is correct.
"Bucz if there were no God their wouldnt be any Atheists"
No, you can always not believe in something that doesn't exist.
For example, I also don't believe in the Invisible Pink Unicorn.
I'll answer that, and I'll use little words so that you stand a chance of getting it.
We atheists do not oppose your God, we understand him to be fake, false, unreal, a fiction. We oppose what belief in fairy tale beings as real beings does to people and their societies, but we cannot directly opposed God himself as God does not exist.
Bajingo, you prove that morons exist as without morons such as you, no moronic posts such as yours could exist.
No, that's not how oposites work.
There is hot, and the absence of heat
There is light, and the absence of light.
There is reason, and the absence of reason.
Belief in Invisible Sky Creatures is that last one.
Wow, Dinner, I really hope you're a Poe. Otherwise you might be criminally stupid.
Atheists do not oppose your god, and even if they did, it wouldn't make it any more real than a Fundie opposing Harry Potter makes him real.
Then atheism must prove the existence of all gods/goddesses, that are, or ever have been worshipped.
This revealation now begs the question: are you sure you're worshipping the right one, Bajingo?
"Well, you have to admit, there wouldn't be any athiest if there weren't no God. So God must be real for there to be atheists."
Nnnnnnno. The best for you to hope for is for Atheists to exist, the CONCEPT of a God has to exist.
Well, to a degree, the comparison works.
Darkness is the absence of light.
Cold is the absence of heat.
Atheism is the absence of theism. Not absence of god.
-If you oppose God, you acknowledge his existence.
-Atheists oppose God.
-No, I DON'T care that you can oppose unicorns and fairies too!
-Therefore, God exists.
In a strange, strange way this reminds me of LeGuin:
Only in silence the word,
only in dark the light,
only in dying life:
bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky.
-The Creation of Ea
But I really doubt that this... thing has read her.
If there were a god, you wouldn't be such a fucking retard. Please learn to spell, before you try to attack someone else, dipshit.
I think that you are a total birdbrain, and that proves that you are a total birdbrain. If there were no truly intelligent people in this world they would still be smarter than you, birdbrain.PS Learn to spell birdbrain.
Bassic wrote:
You sure about that?
I disbelieve that the rain actually falls up! There, I just proved it really does fall up!
For your retardedness, Bajingo, King Leonidas decrees:
Bcuz u exist and u oppose God, then sorry but U just PROVED there is God.
You exist and you oppose Odin... Sorry, but you just proved Odin exists.
Teapot and teapot atheist!!!!!?
You prove bad grammar!!!-----
Sounds like my computer science teacher.
This just in folks, hot off the presses. Burning my fucking fingers hot.
I don't like Star Wars. Thus, Darth Vader is real.
You heard it here first.
So, if atheism proves the existence of god, then what does fundyism prove?
(broken egg beat me to it)
You oppose Isis, therefore she exists.
You also oppose Hermes, so therefore he must also exist.
and lol @ Leonidas picture.
I don't oppose your deity; I find no evidence for his existence. I also find no evidence for the existence of Horus, Gaia, Thor and Venus. Does that mean I have just proven the existence of Horus, Gaia, Thor and Venus?
Stop torturing the English language!
English moth ...
Oh fuck it.
“Athiest, U prove there is God!!!!!?”
Not this again… Okay, HOW?
“Bcuz u exist and u oppose God, then sorry but U just PROVED there is God.”
Again, HOW?
“Light and dark. Hot and cold?”
Hot and Cold are not opposites, they’re just two spots on a spectrum. Like Purple and pink.
“Answer me that, Athiest?”
Well, i don’t OPPOSE god, i disbelieve gods. All the gods. I’m not the opposite of Zeus or Jehovah, or Jesus, or 6000 others, i’m just not convinced by your arguments. Including this stupidity.
“Bcuz if there were no God their wouldnt be any Athiests.”
You didn’t think this through.
You’re not just someone who rejects, say, Allah. You’re opposed to ALlah. That proves Allah?
You’re opposed to puttijng Quetzacoatl on the money, right? You just proved the Feathered Serpent.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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