Not all gay people believe in evolution. I've met several conflicted fundie queers. Friends of mine have fucked them, even.
Not all people who believe in evolution practice abortion, and not all people who practice abortion believe in evolution. (Check the abortion rate in the "Bible belt," it's higher than everyone else's) Abortion, however, in no case is a "sacrement," it's just something that happens sometimes, when a pregnancy simply cannot be responsibly continued. Sometimes pregnant women (and the men who got them that way) simply aren't ready to be parents, they may be kids, they may have drug problems, they may even be homeless. Many struggle to feed and care for the children they already have. No one finds out they're pregnant and immediately leaps to "snap! I get to have an abortion" and highfives everyone around. Each and everyone would rather have just not gotten pregnant in the first place.
Some people who are gay, believe in evolution, and/or have had an abortion still have children. I have queer spawn in-laws, and science teachers still reproduce, right? Fuck you and your bullshit assumptions.
Public schools are for the purpose of education, not religious indoctrination. To teach creationism as fact is the same level of insanity as teaching Zeus as king of the gods for real, instead of just as background information for a unit on ancient Greek culture. We teach science in science classes, stupid, because any student who goes on to, say, be a doctor, will need that information later.