Bill Muehlengerg #fundie
I am an outcast. I am an untouchable. I am a leper. I am the scum of the earth. Why, what did I do? Sexually abuse a child? Torture kittens for the fun of it? Murder my own family? No, something far, far worse. You see, I actually believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.
And even worse, I actually believe every child has a right – as much as possible – to be raised by his or her own biological mother and father. Yes I know: to have such outlandish and radical beliefs makes me pure evil, and I should be driven from polite society.
outcastOK, so banish me now. Exile me. Or jail me. Or even put me to death for my dastardly beliefs. But no matter how demonised and abused by the homosexual statists, I will never refrain from speaking up for truth – and for marriage and children.
I have long noted how incredibly bizarre all this is, with persecution arising for simply affirming marriage and the wellbeing of children. Who would have thought the new clampdown on freedom and democracy would come from those rainbow warriors who have declared war on marriage and family.