G*d "allows" divorce in the circumstance of adultery...even though He hates it, it is "allowed"...
Could a wife (in good conscience) hand her husband a bill of divorce for adultery in the form of pornography?
Yes, i could hand a p*rn addicted husband a divorce degree, and almost did a few years ago....I don't care that p*rn is an addiction that creates a chemical in the brain much like cocaine or heroin....
If one is addicted one needs help. It's a shame how p*rn is so accepted and wide spread these days. And i can't believe these girls and guys out there, that want to degrade their bodies like that.
I'm not afraid to spell out the word, but was thinking to spare this site the hits from people looking for such things through a serach engine... SO anyways..
I do not give it any power, but every person that struggled with this isseu will tell you that it has power over them as it is an addiction, and a bad one to boot.
Believe me, if someone Googled the word "porn" this site wouldn't come up until result page 500,000 or so (and that's being conservative). It would be far, far, far down the list of hits. So don't worry about anyone finding it. :)
As far as porn itself goes, lots of things can become damaging if abused: alcohol, television, religion, the list goes on and on. We aren't about to ban or place strict limits for society on those things, how is pornography any different? Seriously, it's not.
You know, it's funny ... out of all the millions of people in the US who look at pornography each and every day, how many of them actually go out and rape someone because of it?
I know I haven't. And chances are that your husband didn't either. Quit blaming your inadequacies and insecurities on him.
Oh - chocolate and exercise also cause releases of endorphins in your body. Are they now as harmful as porn, heroin, and cocaine?
Nah, screw it. If your husband is ignoring you or acting like an ass due to anything, including COMPULSIVE porn usage, divorce might be necessary.
Rahab: Nice try, fundie. Despite the obvious Bible reference of your screen name, it was the hysterical overreaction and ad hominem attack that gave you away. It's not Jesse's fault you're trapped in a loveless marriage with a husband who prefers porn to you.
Of course, that's just my guess, and I could be wrong.
"Could a wife (in good conscience) hand her husband a bill of divorce for adultery in the form of pornography?"
I assume you could, but I don't think it is orthodox or in good taste to file for divorce using pornography instead of traditional legal documents. I'm sure it would be the highlight of your lawyers' day, but it would also result in much more work.
Oh, wait...that's not what you meant.
No, masturbating is not adultery. File it for irreconcilable differences if you believe that it is, in fact, Serious Business.
“Yes, i could hand a p*rn addicted husband a divorce degree,”
Bit of a leap, there, from looking-at-porn-equals-adultery to ‘porn-addicted.’
I did know one couple where the wife considered it ‘cheating’ if he looked at a Page Three girl in the tabloid.
My wife doesn’t. Her limit is physical. I can look at anything i want. But if i ever touch another woman, I have to burn off whatever i touched her with before i come home.
But i used to make submarine patrols, up to 100 days underwater, and needed the stimulation. Or i started dreaming about sex with computers.
"I don't care that p*rn is an addiction that creates a chemical in the brain much like cocaine or heroin....”
Is there an objective citation for this chemical? Because I’ve been looking at porn for about 50 years, and the only time i look further than Playboy is after 60 days underwater. And that’s just Penthouse, i’ve never been isolated long enough to enjoy stuff like Huster. It’s supposed to be addictive AND require greater and greater stimulation, but not in my experience.
“It's a shame how p*rn is so accepted and wide spread these days.”
That’s actually better for the sex workers themselves. If it was all illegal, they couldn’t get any help if they’re exploited ro threatened as it would be turning themselves in. In today’s world, they just get a lawyer.
“And i can't believe these girls and guys out there, that want to degrade their bodies like that.”
I used to point nuclear weapons at my own planet. Never really felt qualified to point and judge who is and isn’t degrated.
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