DesertFox #fundie

[On teacher-led school prayer.]

"if your kids were in Muslim majority area, would you say that it would be OK for teachers to lead children in prayers to Allah?"

Nope. But this isn't a Muslim country. It's a Christian country.

"I think leaving it up to the children and parents individually makes more sense than trying to get a whole group to agree that didn't come there for purposes of prayer."

I once thought that way, but that was before liberals made it unmistakably clear that they intend to bury Christianity. No consideration for it, no treating it on the same footing with any other religion, no civility toward Christians. They have declared war on Christians and Christianity and I, for one, am for fighting back and stomping the bastards into the ground. That would mean prayers to Jesus in the schools, the Ten Commandments over the entrance of any and every public building, crosses on public grounds at Christmastime, and so on, with the intent of making it perfectly clear who runs America.

I think it should be up to the teacher. Christian prayer only. Anybody wants to whine, they can shove it up their atheist communist Muslim Other ass. But the pledge should be mandatory in every classroom at the beginning of the school day. Time we started teaching kids to love America again, and all that made her great.



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