Two Wounds
Hitler, his name be cursed eternally, said that the Jews had inflicted two wounds on humanity: circumcision upon the body, and conscience upon the mind. He wanted to create a world where people acted without conscience, where babies could be murdered unthinkingly and unhesitatingly. A world without G-d, without goodness, without morality. He tried to exterminate not only the Jews, G-d forbid, but everything the Jews wanted to teach the world: mercy; kindness; compassion; emulation of G-d. There is no place in eugenics, the survival of the fittest, Darwinism taken to its utmost extreme, scientific atheism brought to its most evil conclusion, for any twinge of conscience or reverence for life.
Without Christianity, Adolf would never have had the grounding in Anti-Semitism that lead, ultimately, to the Holocaust. It is only through the concept of Jews being "Christ-killers" that medieval Europe had any reason whatsoever to persecute the Jews. Without such persecution, the prevelant Anti-Semitism of late ninteenth century Europe would never have had the foothold that it had. In fact, without a belief in the cosmology of Christianity, Anti-Semitism could not exist. Evolution and Atheism have absolutely nothing to do with it.
1) Hitler so disagreed with evolutionary theory that he had it banned from being taught in schools.
2) Hitler believed he was doing the work of the almighty god.
3) Hitler's master race plan would have endangered the human race by eliminating genetic diversity, narrowing the gene pool and promoting inbreeding, all of which go against the natural selection process Darwin described.
I must admit I haven't read Mein Kampf, and probably never will (I don't want to look that far into a fascist mind).
Hitler saw himself as doing God's work, by eliminating the Jews who allegedly killed Christ, and a lot of other impure, like the Romanis, the Communists, the homosexuals. He was against abortions and evolution, and wanted all the Aryan women to get pregnant and bring forth future soldiers and baby-making-machines... I mean wives.
Apart from the obvious Godwin, how many times do we have to reiterate that Darwin's ToE has nothing to do with "social Darwinism" and that Hitler had the teaching of evolution banned?
He was a bastard, no argument, but Darwin and evolution had fuck-all to do with it.
Hitler made abortion illegal - WRONG!
Most American men are circumcised, something that Europeans find a tad primitive with the ready availability of soap and water.
As to G-D. This is a nonsense. The name of God is 'Yod He Vav He'. 4 Hebrew letters. They are consonants, as Hebrew does not write vowels except in the Masoretic texts, and these are merely points that indicate the vowel to be used, not letters of the alphabet. So writing G-d is idiotic. God is not God's name. His name is as said YHVH, and this is never pronounced. It is always spoken as Adonai, The Lord. So enough alerady with the false reverence, It is nothing buyt ignorance.
It is always spoken as Adonai
Only in prayer. There is a powerful taboo against pronouncing the name of god in any form so in conversation the term HaShem, the Name, is usually used instead. The main problem with 'G-d' is that our quotee has written it on an internet site where it is just a collection of pixels, no different from writing 'God' or anything else. The famous theologian Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik used to make this very point by beginning lectures by writing the word 'God' on a blackboard and then rubbing it out.
"There is no place in eugenics, the survival of the fittest, Darwinism taken to its utmost extreme, scientific atheism brought to its most evil conclusion, for any twinge of conscience or reverence for life. "
Then birth occurs, and all bets are off.
Did any of the commenters screaming "Godwin" actually read the entire article in question?
Godwin's Law does not apply to a discussion about actual Nazis. The article isn't saying a thing about abortion - the reference is to the actual murder of babies. The Nazis did promote eugenics, and did kill those who did not measure up. This particular article isn't about Darwin or evolution per se - it is about using and abusing scientific theories without any regard for the value of each individual.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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