My question is this: Even though radiometric dating has the Earth listed as approximately 4.5 billion years old, this method of testing is used to test the age of the materials that the Earth is comprised of. Dirt, rocks and strata. Correct?
If God created the Earth, why wouldn't He use raw materials at His disposal? The materials themselves do not determine the age of our Earth. It cannot pinpoint that moment in time when these materials came together, only the age of the materials that are present.
Am I off-base here?
Just looking for a way to stop the argument and nullify the facts? Religions been proven wrong a lot, most sects are due to a split of confidence or excessive hypocracy. Some of you are looking for a way for both to work together,that's amiable but still wrong.
Gods do not exist
the Earth is comprised of. Dirt, rocks and strata. Correct?
If you can find my a bucket of stratum, I'll give you 100 bucks
The materials themselves do not determine the age of our Earth. It cannot pinpoint that moment in time when these materials came together
Actually, it can and does. The radioactive clock starts whenever the crystals are formed by cooling.
Well, the bible does say something about the earth being void and without form, but most of your creationist friends take this to mean he made it out of nothing.
Anyway, why did God wait most of 4.5 billion years (at the least) to make the earth, and where did this stuff you think he used come from in the first place? And, dare I ask, where did God say that's what he did?
Your argument presupposes that your god created the Earth - you have no evidence for that assertion whatsoever. I don't believe in your, or anyone else's, god but if I had too choose one it wouldn't be your cosmic cowboy builder.
It's obvious. The Earth was created 6000 years ago, but it took god the other 4.5 billion years practicing til he got it right.
Also dinosaurs where um... angels... until the er... HEY LOOK A DISTRACTION!
"Am I off-base here?"
Speaking on my vast authority as someone who took a couple geology courses: Yes, yes you are.
Get a simple geology book. Google radiometric dating. Read up on stuff before you spout off about it.
"If God created the Earth, why wouldn't He use raw materials at His disposal?"
Why would he? Especially if he's omnipotent?
On the other hand, why would or wouldn't he do anything? He seems almost infinitely malleable, fitting whatever a particular believer wants to believe. In other words, he's useless as a hypothesis.
Ouabache at #1013580 gives the best succinct answer, though.
Dirt, rock and Strats?! Wow, man. Heavy. Way cool.
No, the term is free- base.
Create: "to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes."
NOT bung together some bits of old rock you have lying around.
'Am I off-base here?'
Yes, you're a moron.
"the materials that the Earth is comprised of. Dirt, rocks and strata. Correct?"
But God suffers from periodic blindness. As in he can't see the Periodic Table of Elements. So much for God's omnipresence. Oh, and if God made Adam from dirt, then humans are silicon-based lifeforms, amirite?
I read the username as "agape-for-robin" -- who is Robin, and which orifice is agape for him?"
Thanks. Now I have the image in my mind of Batman performing a Goatse for the Boy Wonder. Can't unsee. :S
/mucky mind
"Am I off-base here?"
You're not even wrong.
Yes, you're off-base, but I'm glad that you are at least being nice about this. To answer your question, a lot of these materials would not have actually been formed until they came together into the Earth. Furthermore, if the materials ARE 4.5 billion years old, that calls into question the creationists "6000 years" estimate.
Then why isnt everything dated as 4.5 billion years old? Afterall, all the "raw materials" on earth come from those elements. So, To carbon date a bicycle, the shroud of turin, a spear from the bronze age, etc, would all show existence from 4.5 billion years ago. Afterall, that is when all the "raw materials" were made buy, oh , I guess gawd.....
So then where did the original stuff come from in this argument?
Don't diss this one too hard, these were the questions I started to ask (okay, I was 10) that lead to my deconversion.
Yes, you are off base. This is Earth Base 1. I repeat. This is Earth Base 1. You appear to have drifted off course and landed in an uncharted fantasy universe somewhere inside a mystical cloud structure that is obscuring the exit. You might be able to hear this message but be unable to ascertain its direction therefore, you may well have to come to terms with the fact that you will remain trapped forever.
This is actually comparatively reasonable, since it doesn't deny known science and seems to insinuate at least the possibility of accepting that the Bible's statements aren't literal. Even though I don't think it happened that way, I can at least read it without losing further faith in humanity. I don't think this qualifies as fundie.
@WMDKitty & anon-e-moose:
> I read the username as "agape-for-robin" -- who is Robin, and which orifice is agape for him?
Agape is also a Classical Greek word meaning unconditional love. Sorry to spoil a good joke (it's my calling in life).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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