*Sniff* *Sniff* I smell a big, fascist rat. So, let's genetically test our babies and if they are going to be conservative, we can abort them willy-nilly, and then if you happen to survive that, if you get too sick, we can kill you willy-nilly.
And I wonder who will make those choices? Probably the government, if they have their way.
It reads like a bad Star Trek episode. Where is Captain Kirk to launch the proton torpedos at Demo-fasci-nazi HQ?
It's an understandable mistake, but it's been fixed. In the future, please report stuff like this to the appropriate Violations thread in the forums.
More on topic, Kirk would be more likely to make a horribly spaced dram-speech about it than fire proton torpedoes. Also, where the hell do you get the idea the political thought is genetic???
Lol, confusing Star Wars with Star Trek.
It's clear from the final line that he thinks Captain Kirk blew up the Death Star.
You do realize that even if the government didn't cover assisted suicide, they still wouldn't cover the expensive drugs, right? They'd just let you die painfully in some hellhole because there was nowhere else to stuff you.
*shakes head* The people who make the choices would be the people directly involved. Besides, there are different kinds of conservative, and I don't think you really understand how genetics works anyway.
we can abort them willy-nilly, and then if you happen to survive that, if you get too sick, we can kill you willy-nilly.
And I wonder who will make those choices? Probably
...uh, Milli Vanilli?
"A gene for conservatism?!"
Well, it's just the intelligence genes. If they're missing, you probably have a conservative on your hands.
Very funny guys.
"More on topic, Kirk would be more likely to make a horribly spaced dram-speech about it than fire proton torpedoes. Also, where the hell do you get the idea the political thought is genetic??? "
Because I had children and raised them as Christian conservatives and they grew up to be Christian conservatives. What other explanation is there?
Shiny, shiny mirror. Demo-fasci-nazi, my ass. Your party's sacrifice of the country to the almighty corporation makes you people like the fascists, not the Dems.
Umm, being a hidebound conservative isn't genetic. It's taught by stupid hidebound conservative parent.
And it's photon torpedoes, you nitwit.
Opinions don't lie in our genes, jackass, and nobody argues for forced euthanasia, aside from the imaginary people that live in the minds of extreme right-wing nutcases. Elective, informed euthanasia is another story altogether. Plus, it's usually you wackjob ultra-conservatives who are arguing for killing off or imprisoning people for their opinions, not us.
I noticed that too. I even initially typed my comment correctly. However, for reasons unknown to even myself, I decided to "correct" my spelling (and atomic reference) in accordance with the stupidity of the original quote. While it doesn't contribute to the humor, I couldn't think of a way to humorously correct him at that point in time.
Paging Khan Noonien Singh...
Incedentally Stephen, ever heard of the T4 Aktion, that euthanized the disabled, which started in Nazi Germany during the late 1930's, based on Eugenics legislation, passed in several U.S States, in the late 1920's/early 1930's, & which lasted until the end of the 3rd Reich, in 1945, & is regarded as the precursor of the Holocaust...?
Look it up, it isn't funny...
As for your lame attempt at a humourous reply, I would reply either indoctrination or brainwashing, not genetics...?
So conservatism is a genetic defect? If you test for a genetic defect, then it's not aborting willy-nilly, then it is carefully studied and science-based abortions.
I don't get this, is he pro or con, is he conservative or socialist, democrat* or fascist? He goes to and fro, he's the willy-nilly.
* democrat as "believes in democracy" not "votes for the Democrats"
Re:last post
If this is the case, Clown, then is Mr Brink , by decantation a Delta, or a somewhat deluded Gamma...?
(He seems too erudite to be a Epsilon, IMHO...).
The Nazis were an extreme, right-wing conservative party who used Christianity to justify the things they did.
That kind of conflicts with being ultra-liberal.
You have proven that you know nothing about political ideologies, Godwinning, or genetics. Your failure is complete.
1)You can't genetically test someone to find out what they're political beliefs are going to be. That fist paragraph is just so full of stupid.
2)Do you understand what pro-choice means? It means giving a woman the chance to choose whether she gets an abortion or not. Where on earth did you get the impression that it means "The government will make you get an abortion." That's about as anti-pro-choice as it can get.
3)Oh no, you didn't. You don't bring Star Trek into this. And you don't bring Star Trek into this and then get it wrong. I'm hardly the first person to point it out, but it's photon torpedoes with an "h" not proton torpedoes.
(Mind you, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't know the difference between a photon and a proton given the stupidity of the first two paragraphs.)
Besides, the Original Series was pretty liberal for it's time. So history-fail as well.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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