Someday, when I get to Heaven, I will ask God all about how he created such a wonderful universe.
There is NO way that all of this happened by chance.
The probability of all the living things on earth to evolve out of single cell organisms, is mathematically impossible.
Someday, IF I get to Heaven
Either god will have the stones to admit he screwed up something' fierce and sucks as a creator (seriously, I think almost any of us could have done better with friggin' omnipotence), or at least as a caretaker. Or he will try to deny any involvment and blame the (older) Egyptian demiurge Ptah for all the mistakes. Hey, at least Ptah didn't need 6 days to build a single planet...
Either way, to me god won't be getting of that easily.
"The probability of all the living things on earth to evolve out of single cell organisms, is mathematically impossible."
Can you please show your work?
The probability of all the living things on earth to evolve out of single cell organisms, is mathematically impossible.
Uh....GODDIDIT! There! No belief in Creationism necessary! You can still be Christian, believe in The Bible and still accept that we, Apes and Monkeys descended from a common primate ancestor, a 4.5 Billion year old Earth, things evolved from single-celled organisms and that GENESIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN LITERALLY!
If a CONSERVATIVE Christian Denomination like Roman Catholicism, along with most other Christian Denominations can pull it off, SO CAN YOU!
"If a CONSERVATIVE Christian Denomination like Roman Catholicism, along with most other Christian Denominations can pull it off, SO CAN YOU! "
It's not the same.
RC was a multicontinent religion deeply entangled in western culture. When Western started doing science and curing disease with it the RC was inevitably dragged along.
This OP is in a tiny cult that rejects the validity of the wider culture.
No, the magnificience of this immense, complex, whimsical universe is the best proof that it was not created by the narcissistic, simple-minded, fun-hating brute you worship, who never seems to come up with a better solution than "SMITE EVERYTHING!".
Uh yea Sandy, how did the creator come to be than? Don't you see, you aren't really answering the question? You are just pushing it back to a realm where you aren't allowed to ask it anymore.
Somehow, unimaginable complexity arose from uniformity. Evolution explains the way it happened on earth with regard to life very nicely. If you want to disregard evolution, fine, so be it, be an idiot. But you just can't then say "God did it" without offering some explanation of how the complexity of god came into being. You can't have it both ways.
Flip a coin 50 times. Whatever sequence of flips you got, the chance of it having happened was approximately 1 in 1.126 quadrillion. It's astoundingly unlikely, so therefore it's not believable that it happened, right?
The above "logic" illustrates of one of the major problems fundies run into when they try to prove things with math.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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