Why wouldn't a formal policy of religious conversion, "de-Islamatization" if you will, work for a U.S. president that's got the guts, vision, leadership and ability to do it?
And what would be the impetus behind this conversion, i.e. "If we convert, What will you do for us in return?"
My guess as to Ellis' response? A threat of violence. Just what we need.
Because all of the presidents who have ever ruled (except Eisenhower) with guts, leadership, abillity and the political morals sufficient to do something so unpopular, yet (in your opinion) right, have been Democrats. In nearly all cases, Republicans are merely concerned, not with some particular iseology or plan-of-doom, but with remaining in power and optaining enough money via this stage to stay in power, even after the end of their presidencies.
And none of the Dems would touch this with a remote control bomb defuser from three kilometers away.
...a U.S. president that's got the guts, vision, leadership and ability...
Well that lets shrub jr. out of the running, even if it wasn't a fucktard idea.
Um, because it's a violation of the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution and would make such a president no better than Torquemada, Hitler, or a host of others throughout history.
1) We have the First Amendment. We win.
2) The majority of US citizens aren't crazed fundies with a 'convert or die' mentality.
3) Any President that attempted such a tyrannical move would probably meet the same fate as past dictators - lying in a ditch, covered in petrol, on fire.
Yeah, why not, Ellis. Just to be on the safe side, we can make the ones who refuse to convert wear yellow crescent moons and stars. So they can be identified later for the final solution.
Well let's see, I'd say a bunch of little things, like the Constitution, Bill of Rights, congress, supreme court, impeachment, the military, moderate Christians, Jews(too close to what the Nazis and Inquisition did to them), Muslims, every other non-Judeo-Christian religions, non-believers, and the threat of civil war. That all doesn't matter though, any "US President that's got the guts, vision, leadership, and ability" would never, ever dream of fucking up what has worked for over 200 years just to placate a bunch of paranoid right-wing anti-American losers.
Because veterans like me will make sure that:
1) He displays his guts openly
2) He loses his vision
3) He is no longer a leader
4) He therefore will lack the ability
before allowing such a RAPE of the United States Constitution that we and he swore an oath to defend.
(stupid nonfunctional edit link)
Garfield: and I have to take a test in order to become a citizen!
Maybe some "natural born americans" should take the test too and if they fail, take away there citizenship!
I've been saying this for years.
If the president does have the nerve, stupidity, egomania, and short-sightedness to do that, he/she will be impeached faster than you can say "Bill Clinton." You may not be aware that during the inauguration ceremony, the president promises to UPHOLD the Constitution, not desecrate it.
ability to do it, thats the catch.
Oh, you spelled de-Christianization wrong. :)
Nice quoting out of context too, I should have expected this from FSTDT, you tend to have a pro-Islam or at the very least a softer-on-Islam bias. Most people probably didn't even read the article. So let's put it into context:
"This isn’t an original idea. Remember that the first thing the victorious Allies did after conquering Hitler and his Nazis during World War II was to institute a comprehensive “de-Nazification” program to change the thinking of all Germans away from Nazi fanaticism and anti-Semitism to a representative democracy, establishing a republic based on the legal/moral paradigm of the rule of law and a Constitution."
Take a moment and read it all before you type nonsense like:
"I guess "Muslim holocaust" doesn't set off any internal alarms in these people at all."
This had nothing to do with genocide of any group.
Moving on...
"A similar program was enacted by Gen. Douglas MacArthur to convert the Japanese masses away from the maniacal fanaticism of Emperor Worship, which existed for over 1,000 years. Sixty years later, Japan stands as a faithful ally of America and a bulwark republic in an area rife with Communist dictatorships and growing Islamic hegemony."
Again. Did de-Nazification/de-Shintofication involve genocide of Germans or Japanese? No.
"The critics will prattle: “The Muslim faith is a religion of peace, not war”; “All Muslims aren’t bad”; “The Muslims will call us Crusaders.’” Let us prove them right, NOT by reclaiming or conquering Muslim lands"
Are you getting this?
"but neutralizing the radical elements of their religion at the meta (intellectual) level by spreading our Judeo-Christian traditions traditions that are infinitely more compatible with a democratic-republic form of government than any form of Islam, which, I wrote in an earlier column, is incompatible with a republic.
Do you see any calls for "genocide" so far? I don't.
Also the 1st Amendment, in my view, doesn't and shouldn't apply to the political and supremacist aspects of Islam. (How can you have 100% full religious freedom to practice Islam when Islam includes jihad warfare against unbelievers and the execution of apostates? Answer me that.) It is very reasonable to make policies intended to prevent Sharia or aspects of Sharia from becoming state laws.
"ability to do it, thats the catch.
Oh, you spelled de-Christianization wrong. :)"
This is why I find myself increasingly disgusted with the "New Atheist" crowd. Obviously not all new atheists, Sam Harris is pretty cool, but there's definitely a pattern.
Wake up, Islam is a far greater threat to your liberties than Christianity will ever be, due to its elaborate political system (Sharia) complete with earthly punishments. Yet you foolishly spend most of your time attacking Christianity. Let me guess, you see Islam as "oppressed" and "under-privileged" and feel its your duty to defend it from those "Islamophobic" critics?
"ability to do it, thats the catch."
There was an opportunity to implement the secular Kemalist model at the time you were in Iraq and Afghanistan. You blew it, it's too late. The US-backed constitutions enshrine Sharia law in both countries now. Your stupid leaders wasted trillions for nothing and possibly even made things worse. I hope you're proud.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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