Laurie Higgins #fundie
The U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Obergefell v. Hodges case provides yet more evidence that smart people can be monumentally foolish.
This decision not only denies reality but also robs citizens of their right to self-government. From the gaseous emanations of their own imaginations, five our our supremacist justices have discerned a heretofore nonexistent constitutional requirement that homoerotic unions be recognized as "marriages." Justices Kennedy, Breyer, Ginsburg, Kagan, and Sotomayor have also decided to impose same-sex marriage on all states, nullifying the decisions of citizens in states that have legally established marriage as a sexually complementary institution.
Just as Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade gave birth to relentless cultural turmoil, division, and suffering, so too will the Obergefell decision. By imposing on the country a deceit buttressed by false allegations that opposition to the legal recognition of non-marital unions as marriages is motivated by "animus," these five judges have watered the seeds of strife planted by sexual anarchists.
If judges, lawmakers, and "progressives" in thrall to the doctrinaire sexuality ideology of "LGBT" activists insist not only on denying reality but also in deracinating religious liberty, speech rights, and association rights of dissenters, they will foment civil disobedience the likes of which America has not seen since the 1960's.
Liberals are once again on the shameful side of history and will once again foment cultural conflict and human suffering.