Darwinism was disproved long ago. It should not be taught in the educational curriculum what so ever. I personally am going to enroll my daughter in Christian school as soon as possible, because I do not want her to be exposed to secular world philosophies.
Lie, misguidedness (to say the least), child abuse.
Three fails in three sentences. Good job!
"Darwinism was disproved long ago. It should not be taught in the educational curriculum what so ever."
No, people, he's right...
...it's been replaced by NeoDarwinian Synthesis, of course.
"Darwinism was disproved long ago."
(Citation needed)
"I personally am going to enroll my daughter in a Christian school as soon as possible."
So rather than teaching her science will they teach her to say "Welcome to Walmart." or "Would you like fries with that?"
"Darwinism was disproved long ago."
*checks scientific community*
Nope, it's still true. We'll let you know when we decide it's not real anymore.
So you want her to have a job with a name tag and that requires her to repeat, "You want fries with that?" How lovely for you.
(anevilmeme beat me to it... DAMNIT)
Christianism hits the spot,
Twelve apostles, that's a lot,
Jesus Christ and the Virgin too,
Christianity's the thing for you.
Holy, holy, holy, holy holy.
Learning to say, "Would you like fries with that?" is also a good career move for someone unexposed to secular world philosophies.
Of course, Darwinism was disproved long ago. It never existed. You guys just made that up.
That's how you make an atheist-- shelter her from the real-world arguments, arm her only with strawman, and watch her FAITH CRASH AND BURN LIKE A CONCORDE!!
Her defensive arguments will be like wet tissue paper, her Sword of the Almighty like a wet noodle against the ruthless Atheists.
*pulls up a lawn chair and a platter of sushi*
Dibs on the front seat!
Darwinism was disproved? Nobody told me, I must have missed the announcement.
Exactly when, and by whom, was it disproved?
Darwin, in spite of living long before the knowledge of DNA, got a lot of it right by careful observation and long study. On the other hand, you are an asshole, and I pity your wife and child.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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