"Although Americans take for granted that scientists are geeks, in other cultures a gift for math is often seen as demonstrating that a person is intuitive and creative."
Yes. And in these cultures, women are required to be virgins at marriage (at an age of 22-25, no later), *and* women are required to marry beta providers, without the ‘no fault’ financial guarantees that she gets from corrupt US divorce laws. THAT is why men in STEM are still valued in those cultures – for reasons that feminists would shriek about if imposed on them.
The cultures where STEM men are valued are precisely the cultures where a woman’s gina tingles are heavily controlled and cannot be acted on, through substantial cultural restrictions.
Women don’t understand cause and effect very well.
OK, quick, what are the salaries and benefits of a serving soldier in the US? What are the retirement benefits? What is the appropriate amount of money to pay someone risking death or dismemberment?
If men or women serving did it for the money, they'd do better working on the assembly line for Ford, and they'd come out alive.
Just another gutless chickenhawk who thinks he's got it all figured out, but in the end it turns out he ain't got shit.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that no cultural paradigm anywhere uses a bullshit phrase like "beta providers", so no.
Also those Spearhead men better be heavily controlling their "penis tingles" as well or they are just a bunch of hypocrites. (Wait, what's the male equivalent of "gina tingles" anyway? 'enis tingles?) Somehow I feel like these are the kind of guys who theoretically want to marry virgins, but would start screaming in protest if they actually dated a woman who wouldn't have sex before marriage. Seems like MRAs don't understand cause and effect very well.
Women don’t understand cause and effect very well.
Pot, meet kettle: TFH is an asshole -> No woman is interested in him
Honestly, I think this d-bag is advocating that once he graduates, they should line up women and let him pick out a wife based on his awesomeness. That's never going to happen so I suggest that he try being a decent human being instead.
'Beta provider' = average decent kind of guy with a regular job
STEM = the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
'Gina tingles' = vagina tingles, seriously, I'm not joking
" in other cultures a gift for math is often seen as demonstrating that a person is intuitive and creative"
Yeah, I've been around those "other cultures" where lovebirds coo prime numbers at each other. Every major college has such a culture, and trust me, STEM major girls are not virgins except by choice, even if they've got a n eye in the middle of their forehead.
In these cultures women are seen as human beings, with the right to marry whoever they want, whenever they want to. Men, and women, in STEM are interesting, that's why they are popular.
What's a "gina tingle"?
In Sweden, people in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are considered interesting, regardless of gender. Swedish women can do whatever we want with our woman parts, regardless of educational level and occupation.
Women, in general, understand cause and effect much better than you do, dearie.
That's quite a lot of non sequiturs there. I'm actually going to start with the quoted post, not TFH. It's a minor point, but geekiness and creativity are in no way opposites. Just look at the creativity that flourishes within Internet fandoms, for instance.
Now to TFH. I wish the original poster had been more specific, but I can safely say that in Japan, specifically, people typically see mathematical talent as both creative and somewhat feminine. Although Japan is somewhat regressive with regard to gender, there is by no means a requirement of virginity before marriage, which would be absurd in such a developed nation.
How on earth any of this relates to whether a culture values men in STEM escapes me.
Wouldn't you shriek if someone else's values were imposed on you without your consent? Don't act like feminists are alone in this. (I can hear you barely restraining words like "hysterical" and "bitchy" even now.)
The last sentence is so bizarre it's almost comical.
Well that's a load of BS. Even in the USA, men who are into STEM don't actually have that much trouble getting women. They just gravitate--what a shocker--towards women who are also into STEM. And they tend to be very happy together, in contrast to the "alpha male" dicks these guys worship, who usually end up in one failed relationship after another.
You'll notice the quotation marks around "alpha male". That's because the kind of people that TFH thinks are alphas, have very little overlap with actual alpha male personalities. Being dominant and in control is not the same thing as being a bastard.
So is it marriage no later than 22 or 25?
As for the rest of the story, if you really want to feel "valued" then move to those cultures that you strive to be a part of. Although I doubt it that your mother will want you to move so you can have a basement to live in while you're there.
Europe? Also, you have a correlation there, not cause and effect, and, of course, even your correlation is made-up bullshit.
Well, there are cultures where blacks are victimised and considered inferior to men. Logically, they don't like living there. Same here with women. Apart from the non sequitur, of course.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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