W. F. Price #fundie the-spearhead.com
It’s a constant struggle — it never ends. As Thomas Paine said, “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.”
The ancient Hebrews understood it, and therefore gave dire warnings about rule of kings. The Hindus understood it, and cautioned us with the examples of the gods.
Jesus took care to divide the omnipotent realm of God and the law of man. Confucius warned that violating the delicate balance of hierarchy, as in dismantling patriarchy, could only bring disorder and sorrow.
The ancient Greeks, for their part, explicitly barred women from authority, and even built a sort of cult around the motif of the gender wars (Amazonomachy).
I’m with all of these ancients. The feminist men have relinquished all morality and are tyrants. Drag them from their ivory towers by all practical means, and strive to create a just, androcratic society: Patriarchy. It is God’s will.