Many people can make the argument that the current crop of students growing into adults is one of the worst in recent times.
People have been saying this about EVERY SINGLE GENERATION for the last 2000 years. You guys have cried wolf so many times in the past that it's impossible to take your seriously anymore (not that anyone ever took you seriously, of course).
I could think of two equally fitting names for it. The self-gratification generation, and the entitlement generation (latter applies to many adults too).
How about the "Me" generation? Oh, wait, that's right... the 1970s already took that name. Funny, the world didn't end when they took the reigns...
The future looks bleak because of this generation. When people have to start asking themselves what is right and what is wrong, then you know there are problems. Many people in this day and age will actually question the very basic morality that should be common sense to everyone.
Taking a moment to think things through and weigh out the ethics of a situation is far better than blindly acting with no forethought.
It is no surprise to me then, that this generation is one of the most liberal generations (morally) than any generation before us.
Same has been said, and true, of every generation since the dawn of time. It's NORMAL for the younger generation to be more liberal than the older one... in fact, there was a time when YOUR beliefs would have been considered liberal. It's called "progress", sweetie.
Oh, and by the way... Jesus was considered a "liberal" in his time era.
It is also one of the most Godless generations, where Church is a routine and not a lifestyle like during their grandparents time.
Good. Science, logic and rationality are finally becoming prevalent... which is exactly how it should be. The church has held us back for long enough.
It only makes sense then to limit the activities of liberals, and destroy their "culture" that is ruining America, and ultimately the world.
Lemme guess, you're the type who yaps on about your freedom of speech/religion being violated any time someone gives you a dirty look for handing out bible tracts? Hint: Eliminating our freedom to be liberal would eventually lead to you losing your own freedom to do anything that an even more conservative fundie might consider "dangerous".
If one man loses his rights and freedom, we all lose our rights and freedom. You can't pick and choose what people are "free" to do... freedom doesn't work that way.