[About public funds going to Christian groups/programs/etc.]
Given that the large majority of taxpayers are Christians, it is intolerable that atheists should have the final say on how taxes are spent.
So, basically you're saying that atheists aren't citizens?
And I didn't think that atheists had the "final say" in how tax dollars are spent. I think it's the First Amendment that states that there will be no establishment of religion. And if Christians are so generous with their money, why can't they just donate it to all those Christian groups & programs? They shouldn't have to rely on tax dollars.
Since Catholics aren't Christians - then the majority of Americans are NOT Christian, therefore, you do NOT have the overruling interest in how your tax money is spent - it goes to the evil Pagans, Catholics, Wiccans, Freethinkers, Methodists, Mormons, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Presbyterians, Lutherans Agnostics, and Atheists who actually make up the MAJORITY of America.
In other words, as our British friends would say: "Bugger off".
Given that the large majority of taxpayers are rich, it is intolerable that poor people should have the final say on how taxes are spent.
See how ridiculous that sounds? Let's try another one.
Given that the large majority of taxpayers are white, it is intolerable that minorities should have the final say on how taxes are spent.
Hang on here guys. Don't rip his throat out just yet. I think he's saying that non christians don't have to pay taxes. After all, if atheists, agnostics, muslims, jews, buddhists etc don't have a say in how taxes are spent then it's taxation WITHOUT representation which is against the constitution.
Tyranny of the majority, friend. Also, no country is homogenous like you seem to want it to be. There will always be people who are different from you and it's your government's job to make sure that they're still treated like people.
That would be incredible, if that were happening. Luckily any Christian with their head on straight is on the same side as the atheists in this matter. (If you can't figure out what I mean by this, you might ask the bogeyman to explain it to you.)
I don't think what you're saying is true and even if it was you don't seem to understand how democracies work - google "tyranny of the majority". Oh, and be careful what you wish for; there will come a day when christians are a minority, even in America.
Then I don't want to pay taxes. If I don't get anything from it I'm not contributing.
Of course I don't have to ask to know what you'd think of us saying that. And I don't have to ask in order to know you'd ignore church tax exemption and that hovind jackass completely.
Actually, knowing you people you'd just try to justify it somehow.
Given that a majority of people are opposed to the continuing hostilities in both Iraq and Afghanistan, it's painfully obvious the government doesn't give shit how they spend tax money. But in your case, there is the small matter of a Constitutional prohibition to the support of one religion over another by the government.
You lose.
Given that the large majority of taxpayers are Christians, it is intolerable that atheists should have the final say on how taxes are spent.
We do?
So how come money is being spent on wars, faith-based initiatives, tax-deductions for Religious donations etc.?
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize athiests were exempt from paying taxes.
Oooh, right, THEY FUCKING AREN'T. Unlike some "Christian taxpayers".
What?? Atheists currently have the FINAL SAY on where tax money gets spent and I didn't know about it?
Dammit I've been missing out on so much control!
And since when do individuals or the major religion say where money in the government gets spent? You vote for people to be put into government to make decisions like that for you.
Aside from the fact that your assertion makes no sense to me (even as a non-American) whatsoever, you may want to consider these little words: Freedom of Religion. That includes freedom to not believe in any fairytales including yours, and as such atheists would have all the same rights as you blithering Christians.
So do homosexuals, black people, and women - just in case you were going to add any of them into the list of people who should shut up and do what your kind tells them.
"Given that the large majority of taxpayers are Christians, it is intolerable that atheists should have the final say on how taxes are spent."
I wonder what your thoughts are about the $700 billion bailout, DuckturdDumb? (and the hideous financial shenanigans that were going on beforehand, as a result of Dumbya's fiscal policies) Especially when you consider it was originally the idea of your God Emperor of Fucking Up, George Dumbya Bush; Obama merely implemented what was all but passed by the Senate, after all.
Think on that. Especially keeping in mind Romans 13:1-7.
Enjoy your paradox, DuckturdDumb.
"What?? Atheists currently have the FINAL SAY on where tax money gets spent and I didn't know about it?
Dammit I've been missing out on so much control!"
Especially Atheists like me, who are taxpayers and aren't even in the USA! Why didn't I get my policy passed? Specifically scrapping the tax exemption of all right-wing Fundamental ist Christian churches in the US.
The very fact we Atheists - whatever country we live in - weren't involved in such important decision-making processes, kinda fucks up DuckturdDumb's claim, eh?
>Given that the large majority of taxpayers are Christians
Two words. Kent Hovind.
Oh, and hi, Doctor Doom. How's your tiny penis doing? c:
The original Doctor Doom would bitch slap this whiny little twat all the way across Latveria.
The most contemptible losers on the net seem to have the most grandiose screen names; has anyone else noticed this obvious compensation for a disappointing life (or none at all)?
Given that 'Whore Lie-party Smells no longer exists, it is laughable that you no longer have an outlet for your bigotry, and FSTDT still exists.
...therefore we still have the final say, Duckturd Dumb. >:D
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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