Darwinism is not based on science! Sheeesh. You people that believe this stuff are relentless. Science is based on observation, and repeatable processes.
There is no physical evidence! Show me. It is pure foolishness (well, I have to admit, I have met a few people in my life that gave me a fleeting thought that evolution might be true).
You cannot observe evolution, and you certainly cannot create it (therefore repeat it). It is the biggest hoax ever foisted on a gullible public. Only global warming comes close.
First of all, let's define the fundie Newspeak term "Darwinism". It is my experience that when fundies use it, it refers to everything from the Big Bang to the Theory of Evolution to eugenics to Nazism. Tell me what on Earth you're attacking and I'll see about discussing it.
Who gave all these assholes the idea that evolutionary theory can be explained in 30 seconds, and that the sum of its evidence can be tied up in a tiny little box?
It's a very complex idea that relies for support on geology, paleontology, chemistry, genetics and a bunch of other deep and complex fields. We're talking about the origin and development of all life on an entire planet, not how to make a fucking ham sandwich! The next bonehead who says "Show me!" is going to get an armload of books and directions to a dozen museums. That's what real understanding takes, not a smug "Goddidit, never gotta think again."
Science is based on observation, and repeatable processes.
The progression of species has been observed in the fossil record, and new species have repeatedly been found in the record confirming predictions made by evolutionary theory. If you want to see something a little faster, and really repeatable, go observe the adaptation of HIV in any infected patient as we change its environmental conditions in an attempt to kill the hellish thing. That fucker evolves terrifyingly well.
You cannot observe evolution, and you certainly cannot create it (therefore repeat it).
New species have been created in fast-breeding organisms, most famously fruit flies.
I think that your claim that evolution can't be observed or created needs scientific testing.
You sit in a museum and look into how to do that, and we'll see if in the meantime you happen to find out what the theory of evolution actually is.
"Who gave all these assholes the idea that evolutionary theory can be explained in 30 seconds, and that the sum of its evidence can be tied up in a tiny little box?"
The reality that God can be explained in 5 seconds, and that the sum of its evidence can be soaked through and through in a 1-man bukkake session.
yeah! What nonnonsense guys said!
What do Scientists know about SCIENCE anyway?
In fact, I'm going to go down to the Local natural History Museum in the mall and take all of their fossils, since according to nononsenseguys, fossils dont' exist anyway. Fossils would be physical evidence and as this fundy said, thee isn't any!
"You people that believe this stuff are relentless."
Mirrors are a fundy's worst enemy.
"There is no physical evidence!"
The fossil record, and DNA. Not to mention experiments that have shown selection and speciation to occur.
"you certainly cannot create it (therefore repeat it)."
You do not need to "repeat" a natural process, you need to repeat your experiments involving that process. Which can be done.
Hate these people so much....
<b>You cannot observe evolution, and you certainly cannot create it (therefore repeat it).</b>
Okay, we want to see the creation process described in Genesis repeated. You have seven days, we'll get back to you.
(Try to leave out mosquitoes this time, I've been scratching for days)
"There is no physical evidence! Show me. It is pure foolishness"
Does anyone have that picture with a fossil and "EVOLUTION We have the fossils, we win."
A lot of sciences are based on observation that can't be (re)produced in a lab. I can observe mineral crystals, rock sructures, and earthquakes, but geology is a real science. I can't make a star in a lab and measure its temperature or density, or build a mini-galaxy and count the number of stars in it, but most of us would say that astronomy is a real science. But evolution isn't a "real" science because Homo Habilis died before my grandfather was born, and nobody alive ever met one?
God created the world in 7 days a few thousand years ago, and Jesus rose from the dead, but if you believe in global warming or evolution, you're gullible as Hell. That makes perfect sense. Totally.
"Creationism is not based on science! Sheeesh. You people that believe this stuff are relentless. Science is based on evidence.
There is no physical evidence! Show me. It is pure foolishness (well, I have to admit, I have met a few people in my life that have believed that creationism is true).
You cannot observe your god creating things, and you certainly cannot poof things into existence from nothing on your own. It is the biggest hoax ever foisted on a gullible public. "
Observation is the least reliable form of evidence.
There are mountains of evidence in favor of evolution; every museum of natural history have their basement full of them.
Evolution has been observed, in bacteria and flies.
Cretinism is the biggest hoax ever foisted on the gullible public, including you.
Global Climate Change is a fact, and has definitiely been observed. The debate is about how much of the change that humans are responsible for, and if it's still time to do something about it.
It doesn't fit on a bumper sticker. It's HARDER than "goddidit". It requires somebody with a scientific education to listen to the explanation, so you're out. So let me explain one thing: you probably are not able to build a computer or an airplane all by yourself, but people who are skilled in the technology can still make them work even though they cannot explain it all to you on a post card.
Evolution is like that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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