'Where the world ceases to be the scene of our personal hopes and wishes, where we face it as free beings, admiring, asking and observing, there we enter the realm of art and science.'
-Albert Einstein
Now said quote, relative (pun not intended) to Markypoos' own words:
'Where the world ceases to be the scene of our personal hopes and wishes'
"The beloved one has given me* the divine name of "Lord Enoch, son of Shekinah" "The Lord God Almighty. The "Metatron" "The fact that when I came again I would* have many titles or "crowns" on my head* was predicted of by the prophets" "The Vice Regent of God"
'where we face it as free beings'
"You must** do" "Say an original grace prayer before eating" "Attend one Protestant church service per week" "A morning and evening prayers of thanks to God" You got to** "do stuff".
'asking and observing'
"why are you an Atheist?"***
'there we enter the realm of art and science'
"distraction boxes (radio, TV)"
And for the final clincher (certainly in terms of his own double standards & hypocrisy):
"A "liberal" is anyone whose views conflict with the bible.
A pro-choice is a liberal.
A "pro-homosexual" is a liberal."
I'd rather be a left-wing Atheist (even a straight, but pro-LGBT one), than a right-wing God-fearing kiddy-diddling nonce.
And now we know why so many in the right-wing in the US are so opposed to abortion. Less children in the world for them to sexually abuse.
So you wanted an answer to the question 'why are you an Atheist?' Well, there's one reason for you. As for the other reasons, go and fucking find out for yourself, subhuman fundie moron 0-IQ mentally handicapped cuntbrain, who has less right to tell anyone what to do than one of said right-wing (and by definition, Christian, ergo hypocritical) paedophiles.
'Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man'
-Thomas Jefferson
Like I say: religion no longer has the right to tell people what to do. It's now time for people to tell religion what to do, as is our moral right as the ones superior to such - and it's deity(ies) - and exert our superiority via Democratic Rule of Law, forcing inferior religious doctrine(s) and it's adherents to bend to our will.
Thus the (at best irreligious) Peoples Republic of China. Ergo: 'In Soviet China, God worships you.'
And if such inferior fundie religions are destroyed in the process...:
We Atheists (as well as Agnostics, Wiccans et al) are more than infinitely superior to God - certainly morally - in every way. Thus he (if he exists) must bow down and worship us. After all, was he (part of him - the Holy Ghost) not the one who impregnated Mary: a child bride...? Two words: Statutory Rape.
I see absolutely no reference (direct or vague) in the bible condemning underage sex, neither. Lot & his daughters, for one.
Ergo our morality (via our laws) being more than infinitely superior to his. Q.E. and D., bitch. As I stated before, reading the Bible in my youth - cover to cover - was the best education I ever had. There's another answer to your question 'why are you an Atheist?' Now you do the maths as to the other reasons; Matthew 7:7, and all that jazz.
Mr. Queerer had the barefaced cheek, nay, unmitigated ignorance (and therefore proving his own inferiority) to think he even had the right to ask me 'why are you an Atheist?'. The same could be asked of you, o inferior fundie:
'There is an old expression.
Why the hell not?
I mean church.'
However, we Atheists can answer that question ourselves with one simple but fundie bullshit-annihiliating use of Spartan Laconic Wit: 'Why.'
'Yeah, I'm pretty sure this guy's got some form of Autism or Schizophrenia.'
"In technical terminology... he's a loon.'
-Dr. Silberman (Earl Boen) "The Terminator"
To say nothing of Alzheimer's:
"@Mark Dreher
OK I went to your site. I see now you're doing all this for humour. Nice satire, and I think you had some of us fooled! Pardon our apparent rudeness to you, but there have been people quoted here who genuinely think they are God... or the Son/brother/fourth cousin of God. But it doesn't do any harm to make fun of thyem."
'The only way to combat ridiculous propositions is through mockery'
-Thomas Jefferson
Time to not just mock, but completely rip the piss out of Mr. Queerer, and all his mentally handicapped - and therefore inferior - fundie bullshit; and without giving him recourse to argument as his own behaviour here of late has demonstrated how mentally handicapped - and therefore intellectually inferior he really is - to be able to formulate a logical argument in the first place, thus deserving of reasoned answers to anything he says. Good peeps of FSTDT, it's point and laugh time!:
image image image
There is an old expression: 'It is better to be thought a fool and remain silent, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.'
And like I say, Markypoos proved the veracity of that expression the first time he posted here in FSTDT; which he continues to prove every time he does, despite the many opportunities offered by me to prove me wrong, by never posting here again. Ever.
Just keep proving me - and that expression - right, Mr. Queerer. Oh, and one last piece of his own hypocritical bullshit, to trap him & everything he says logically:
"My Jewish friends, you may want to listen very carefully to God's own hand picked messenger, the very loyal fellow Jew named Jesus. And maybe you should always remember that he routinely called the gentiles "the dogs". (Matthew 15:26) And that he would not even preach or in anyway associate with them"
So why are you here with we dogs.if you're not not even preaching or associating with us...?!
Or why not simply admit that you - and your site - is nothing more than a parody, a la Landover Baptist, and that you're nothing more than a Poe (albeit a very dedicated one). But then, that's what essentially L. Ron Hubbard was at the beginning (late 1940s), before he started believing his own hype...
And proof that Mr. Queerer has Alzheimer's? (emphasis added):
"Don't they have fudge packers down under?
We are loaded with them.
Say, maybe we could send some down?"
Or mayhaps he skipped geography classes at school. Because as I pointed out here (emphasis added):
'Coffee is Cthulhu's own diarrhoea. Tried it once in my youth, I nearly threw up. I've never touched it since. I've always preferred Tea (and not just because I'm an Englishman, neither)'
As opposed to an Australian.
British. Australian. There is a difference. By many thousands of miles.
But then, that proves how ignorant (especially Americentric) - and therefore inferior - certain Americans are. But they can't help it, allowing themselves to be psychologically lobotomised by the self-induced insanity called religion.
But I wouldn't know about that, living in the very secular (certainly educationally, re. our state school system), nay, Atheist UK. I guess that's another answer to his question there.
...oh, and as for:
"I thought atheists liked queers?"
The phrase 'there are exceptions to the rule' exists for a reason:
I love the smell of annihilated arguments in the morning. Smells like... victory.
*- 'The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.'
-Bertrand Russell
**- 'The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. To this type belong many lunatics and most of the great men of history.'
-Bertrand Russell
***- 'What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite.'
-Bertrand Russell
'...the real reason why people accept religion has nothing to do with argumentation. They accept religion on emotional grounds.'
-Bertrand Russell