.Ann & Just Mat #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

I don't know if the attacks on Christianity and Christians have increased, or gotten uglier, I know the early Christians were persecuted horribly

Just Mat:
They have got both uglier an increased in number. But I'm beginning to see that satan doesn't need to have massive persecution in the US to attack Christians. See, he may have learned that if you violently attack them the Christians grow stronger and multiply in number. So, as I see it, he has been effectively using his alternative weapon of corrupting Christianity and polluting the minds, hearts and souls of the non-believers. And the way he has been doing it is totally corrupting the pulpits, offering a cotton candy quasi-religious "Christianity" (complete with totally PC, politicized preaching, MTV concert programs passed as worship, social hours supposedly to foster closer relationships instead of teaching the Bible and social programs in the place of evangelizing), and a total anything goes, accepting and even celebrating, of abominable perversions and sexual freedom due to being able to murder the consequences. He has flooded the TV and "Entertainment" industry with satan worship as the better alternative to the dry dead "Christianity" that he has created. And he has held up the lure of power (social, political and personal magical power - note Tom Brady's confession, and he's hardly alone - for all those who will follow and worship). So the non-believers and not a few real Christians look at their powerless, empty lives and desire that power and they succumb to satan. That's why satanism, literal blood sacrifice offerings of children are made to him (complete with drinking their blood and eating them), and witchcraft are on the rise in the US without there being any physical attacks being made on Christians.



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