All you zombies hide your faces. All Supreme is not elect. We are placed in our positions. A falt by man and not by God. Wow since I have been born I have seen, heard, watched, educated, and personally experienced a Constitution based on Morale Christianity fall into the belief that the world owed it everything and that human life means nothing. When working under the elect and working class that supports it I found my nation to be the most preverted greedy “stumbling block” beasty distroyer
caught up in it’s own daily hurry up and I screw you and hope you hate me to. This phylosophy sucks. God save us and judge us true, because
if ya new what our lands justice has become you might hold your head in shame, also pray that your body fluids aren’t more than sucked out for more than the Chiefs 200 smackers! Bad business. I threaten you and if you can defend yourself we go. I believe in God, my family (gone>>>>)
love, money and a trusting supportive community are much more important than a Supreme Jerk System!! Go freedom, fuck Janet Reno an do it free for your country. Commercial wel it aint fair. If theres a way to save it, from the crust of the earth to the highest heaven above, only the truth will reveil. America ya took my two children from me, sent me all the way to Washington DC and proved harrmagedon. Does anyone care about Juvenile Justice? How amny years and lives does it take for 10 people to argue the truest right, for any child to be able to ride a school bus, Race, Cred, Color, or Political Party. Was this issue only a front from American Justice changing it’s purposs and value to ‘The Secret Blocking System and Whose Kid ya got? Gonna kill it? Need to know how to sell this human life. Kidie Porn in 1971/75 was still black and white magazines run underground or a small brown envelope of some home spun romp. Now an international buss—Movie Busss.. I hope we can find a better way than retarding, or taking a life just for a living. Not I? Know someone who well ya1111111111. From the Untouchables to the Judges Decision.
Keep the faith and guess a new earth is in store and a new heaven under Gods making and man exploring. Personally life is just what the sytem now believes it can make from you!@???????????Jul’s
[and a follow-up:]
PS> hey kids! If ya read this message your mother is alive and well, I pray your the same. Let me know what your opinion is! Love—————————__________________
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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