Dr. Don Boys #fundie barbwire.com
Christians are not wimps, whiners, and weepers; but that has been an accusation made by atheists when we complain about the attacks against us and our beliefs. Those attacks multiply this time of year. We are told that there is no war - that we are too sensitive and should keep quiet and go back to our hot chocolate huddles in our church basements.
But our critics are wrong. There is a concerted effort to hurt our effectiveness, hinder our efforts, and halt our evangelism. Those attacks usually come from heathens, homosexuals, and humanists.
School textbooks across the fruited plain have been expunged removing any positive mention of Christ and Christianity from them. After all we must not distort, deceive, and dull the pliable minds of the state's children, you know. In the past 20 years there has been a determined effort to replace Christianity with Islam in textbooks. You know, the peaceful religion that specializes in decapitating innocent children and civilians.
The evidence is overwhelming that there is a war against the Master, message, and morals of the Bible and I'm in this war to the end - and God wins.