Craigushka #fundie
I agree with Mark Downey 100% and he is correct about what the word of GOD says about the sin, and abomination of race mixing, and interracial marriage. GOD condemns that evil, and anybody doing it, or giving it their approval are also partakers with them in their sins, and abominations. It's not about hating people of another race, it's about what is right, and what GODS commands pertaining to it. Any preacher teaching that it is ok is not a man of GOD, but a false prophet. Every race is to stay to their own kind, for GOD has the kind after kind laws, and you can not justify the evil by crying that it's the human kind though. You do not see Polar bears breeding with black bears unless it is forced upon them. You do not see red birds mating with blue birds. You do not see a rattle snake mating with a copperhead, nor do you see a dove mating with a crow. The human race has different species of humans, like the yellow, red, black, brown, and white, and common sense should tell you that you should stay to your own kind. People might not want to believe it, but it's true, GOD is a segregationist. Why do you think he set boundries for the races? Because he did not want them mixing, and interbreeding, but old satan lied to the people and whispered it's ok, go ahead and do it. It's the same old satanic inspired liberal lie, that if it feels good do it. The only conclusion I have came to on that evil, and that is, those that do it, or promote it must be children of the devil, and doomed to the second death.