Look, bub; Deity gave us brains so we could use them.
Deity is also neither your Demiurge nor is it likely separate from Creation.
But even if I saw Deity as a "Big Guy In The Sky" and was even a die-hard Christian, I would think that denying the use of brains, intellect, human will, sexuality and other things Deity gifted us with as being the greatest BLASPHEMY! Deity works on a mostly hands-off basis, helping us to help ourselves.
You want to deny these things. You want to make us helpless and useless. Your Demiurge and your filthy belief system is nothing but a cover for mass-control by sexist egotistical lying hypocritical bigot power-hungry authoritarians who like to rule over others for funsies!
Deists, Pantheists, Atheists, Agnostics and Non-Frum Theists and Spiritual-But-Not-Religious folks see through your bullcrap!
If there's anyone destroying the Christian Faith, it's YOU GUYS! Most folks, regardless of belief system love and respect Jesus and Christianity....as taught by Jesus in the Bible! It is actually a BEAUTIFUL system of life and ethics....promoting peace, kindness, unconditional love and forgiveness, altruism, humility, etc.
Sure; There's a couple of questionable pronouncements from Jesus but otherwise...He's kosher.
Christianity, practiced PROPERLY, could've been the most beautiful, beloved and humanity-enriching thing in the world.
But instead, you turned it into an extension of the worst parts of the Hebrew Testament (that even most Jews are weirded out by), made Jesus one with The Demiurge, used as a tool of power, greed, genocide, bigotry, sexism and conquest and use it to deal with the fear that someone, somewhere, is happy and having fun!
I may be a NeoPagan but I respect Christianity and Jesus. I respect what it could have been.
I call your ilk BARABBANS....after "Barabbas" or "Bar Abbas" (Son of the Father).
I realized the symbolism in that part of the "Passion" myth. Jesus was a man who taught love and nonviolence but Barabbas was a raging, vengeful member of the Zealots and considers a violent terrorist and murderer (granted, the Zealots were fighting for the Jews freedom but still....). Barabbas' name meant "Son of the Father", implying the symbolism of "Messiah".
Barabbas represents the false, frummy, violent, vengeful, "kill everything", pseudo-Christ. Jesus, however, was the real deal who taught a more peaceful path to freedom for the Jewish people and the rest of humanity. However; the world chose Barabbas over Jesus....just as the American Wingnuts chose "Republican Jesus" over Jesus Christ.
Sometimes I feel that I should become a ChristoPagan. I seem to have a lot of insights on interpreting things in the Bible and genuinely feel that Christianity needs to be revamped and reclaimed from the Barabbans.
Christianity as a Liberal, Universalist, Interfaith Faith of Faiths! Like Baha'i only as a Judaic offshoot rather than an Islamic one. I see a blend of Zoroastrian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian, Kemetic and Classical Mystery Religion in it. Something that unites rather than divides.
Earth's people needs to be united.