Well what we do know about aliens is they have hurt many people over the years by burning them, injecting them with foriegn substances, scaring them psychologically, ect. Also they embrace all world religions except Christianity. They seem to have a great dislike for Jesus Christ. Which may give you a window as to what they are about. Eziekel mentions a vision of God which some interpret as a flying saucer. One thing for sure, the UFOs have a future agenda which will more likely be tied into the coming Antichrist and not Jesus.
From what we know about Christians, they have hurt many people over the years. They have burned them, injected them with foreign substances (12 foot pikes, for example).
Christians have scarred people, physically and psychologically, (you are prime example of the latter).
Christians appear to have a great dislike for the actual teachings of Jesus.
One thing for sure, fundy Christians have an agenda which will cause much more grief and sadness in an already troubled world.
I think it reads better now, after a little editing.
"Well what we do know about aliens..."
Stop right there!
Get a grip, dude. Aliens from space are in the same group as the anti-Christ and Jesus. There is no solid evidence for any of them.
Whitewater55 -- As for the actual teachings of Jesus, I refer you to Matt. 10:34-35.
Also they (aliens) embrace all world religions except Christianity
I now have this vision of Jewish aliens, who come 300 light-years just to kvetch at us. "How come you never come to see us, you never call, we haven't had even a card in the last 4.5 billion years, feh ..."
Well what we do know about aliens is they have hurt many people over the years by burning them, injecting them with foriegn substances, scaring them psychologically, ect.
Sounds more like Christianity to me... Hell, the majority of major religions.
All I'm going to do is point out the fact that the distances between the stars is fucking immense. There would be no economical advantage to coming here.
MD20/20 and AlexW: You would think that it would destroy their religion, but I have a suspicion that they would find scripture that supports life on other planets. Just look at the post again. campbell34 mentions Ezekial where some have said it describes a UFO. If life is found on other planets, they will be no different than they are now, making up shit to try to make it look like the Babble speaks of it. This is especially true if it is found to be true that an advanced alien culture is visiting us. What I want to see is what they will come up with if we find microbial life on a planet or moon in our solar system. I hope we do in my lifetime, because I just want to see religion try to wiggle out of that one.
Well, according to the INS terminology, I am an alien, though a Temporary Resident one, and while I am not particularly fond of Christians in general, I can assure you the only foreign substance I occasionally give away is usually wine or cheese.
Or anal probes...
<<< Get a grip, dude. Aliens from space are in the same group as the anti-Christ and Jesus. There is no solid evidence for any of them. >>>
You insult aliens by lumping them in the same group. At least their existence is plausible (and, given the mind-boggling number of planets out there, quite likely, even if they are neither intelligent nor capable of traveling to this planet).
It's people like this who give those of us that believe in UFOs a bad name.
No, UFO believers don't need people like this to give them a bad name. Philip Klass does a fine enough job by himself.
Besides the various good points already made, this is another case of the fundy not knowing his own damn book; the coming antichrist (you know, according to that book) is directly linked with the coming of jesus. Fuck man, learn your stupid myths already.
I have been around for a while, and I have done some research about UFOs over the years, and I believe most of the information I posted is both true and accurate. I find the biggest problems I encounter on these post is most here shoot from the hip, but often not from an informed mind.
No Mr. Chuckles, not like me, when I was very young I knew about the time of the end. God over the years has shown me many things. And as time has passed, it only confirms what I believed from long ago. America is in trouble, it is a nation that has turned from God and even now murders tens of millions of it's own people by abortion. God is going to judge this nation and many nations will rise up againts us. American's will not have the will to stop these nations from building the weapons they will use to destroy us. God has a plan to deliever His people from the coming destruction. And God will defeat the armies that will try and destroy the State of Israel. The Islamic nations will experience the same problems that were experienced by the Egyptain Pharoah during the time of the exodous. You can read about some of this for it is spoken in the prophecies of Ezekiel chapters 37, 38, and 39.
Wait, I guess that means that the aliens need Jesus too, right?
They shouldn't be worried that we might share our brand of friendship with them (tribal warfare), they should be more concerned about their eternal, alien salvation, right?
This is beyond the beyond stupid.
Aliens are demons, they are not worried about their salvation, they are more worried about yours. They don't want you to be saved, so they are trying to create a false reality to deceive you.
@ Alex W.
How can someone be a christian and belive in aliens? Say if we really do find aliens I'm pretty sure most people would turn away from religion.
In the U.S., "most people" are Christians, and I submit that they would try their damnedest to convert the E.T.s
@ Redhunter
...the coming antichrist (you know, according to that book) is directly linked with the coming of jesus.
Oh, like The Terminator and John Connor.
@ Campbell34
Aliens are demons, they are not worried about their salvation, they are more worried about yours. They don't want you to be saved, so they are trying to create a false reality to deceive you.
Mmm, like gods, Jesi, demons and UFOs?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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