(on the discovery of Chinese writing more than 8,000 years, effectively predating Creationist claims of the age of the Earth)
Actually that 8,000 years would make sense if the Bible is true. You see in the Bible it appears there was a race that existed before Adam. And in the Book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 God speaking states that man should be fruitful and multiply, and then He states they should go out and (replenish) the earth. Replenish means to fill or build again. Now I do not believe the race that existed before Adam was fully human, but I do believe they were spritual beings that had human like bodies. And this race would of predated the human race, and it would be possible that some of their works would still exist. The Chinese writings in question are found carved in stone, and it just may be that these writings could of come from that former race. Here again we don't here much of this kind of talk in the church proper, yet this topic does come up among other Christian ministers from time to time.
"Actually that 8,000 years would make sense if the Bible is true."
No, it would not! Stop making shit up whenever somebody points out something contradicting the bible!
@Tom S. Fox
Actually, it would, if you use one of the other Old Testaments (I forget which, but either Samaritan or Ethiopian) rather than the Hebraic one Ussher used.
Though that doesn't actually make Campbell's claims any less crazy.
Edit: By which I mean the other OTs would make the earth older (by a few thousand years), but still say nothing about another race of people before Adam.
You see in the Bible it appears there was a race that existed before Adam.
No, you made that up.
I have 4 different versions of the Bible, and a copy of the Torah I borrowed. If you're going to lie, at least lie about something that can't be proven wrong by looking at the FIRST BLOODY PAGE of the book you're claiming to be referencing.
Yes, history is often taught in the Church. Oh, wait, no it isn't. Most western people go to school and learn about these things.
The problem is not that there is people older than Adam. It's people older than the World, dumbass. How can that be? If God had not created heaven and earth yet, how could the Chinese carve in stone?
Hey RaptureRidiots, why do you keep sending people over here to make idiotic posts about "let's go spam Rapture Ready"? You know we know it's you, right? What is it you think you're going to accomplish?
When evidence points out that you're wrong...
...a normal person admits they were at fault.
...a fundie goes into denial and makes up a ludicrous excuse that somehow in their twisted logic keeps their belief from being false.
You see in the Bible it appears there was a race that existed before Adam.
Sorry, no. No it doesn't.
This twisted piece of logic was invented for two reasons:
1) It supposedly explains the contradiction between the first and second chapters of Genesis.
2) It allows Old Earth Creationists to accept an older earth.
It fails at both.
Oh, just give UP already! Even if there is a deity, it is not the Christian God, the Bible is extremely faulty and written by men, and the Earth is much older than six thousand years.
Inadequate if you claim a young (6000 yo earth) If your from the ones that accept the billions of years old ,,,your still wrong!
You're saying those aren't their real ancestors!
The Hebrew word translated "replenish" in the verse Campbell34 is citing is "male'," which simply means "fill." It has no implication of filling again ! This is a mistranslation by the King James translators.
But I have read other Fundies who claim that the earth possessed some other race of people before Adam and Eve, based on this verse. It's not a new idea.
Replenish means to fill or build again.
No it doesn't. In 1611 it just meant to fill up; not to fill again. The meaning changed over the years because people mistook the re- as a prefix meaning "again", as in "repaint", when in fact it's part of the Old French root word replenir - "to fill up". Only the KJV and a handful of others translates the Hebrew word as "replenish". Most others translate it simply as "fill".
Moral: don't use the KJV unless you know Elizabethan English or have another Bible handy to check it in modern English.
edit: oops, sorry, Jeff, you got it already.
(responding to "rapture retards")
Quick! What's the difference between Jesus and a scarecrow? Don't know?
A: The scarecrow didn't scream when they nailed his ass to the stick.
1. It's "would have", not "would of", you fucking idiot!
2. Is that your roundabout way of saying that the Chinese aren't human?
3. It's "we don't hear", not "we don't here", you fucking idiot!
Wait, isn't that quote from the "post-flood" bit of Genesis? Either way, you can't worm yourself out of the whole creation story; the Chinese writings pretty much prove the Bible creation myth is false. But then again by posting here I'm kind of preaching to the choir on that one.
What's with all the posts recently suggesting we troll RR?
Even if I wanted to (which I don't) I couldn't as their views on dissent make Stalin look like a wussy liberal. They don't allow the least little questioning of their insane death-cult: I'd be hit with the ban-hammer before my second post.
I suspect the posts are from Rapturites trolling us.
To be honest, I feel unclean after just visiting RR. It's too much like the eighteenth century practice of visiting Bedlam Asylum to laugh at the lunatics.
Yeah, funny how it is that all the ancient, highly-advanced non-white races were actually stealing the credit from the Prehuman Non-Chinese. Or the Nephilim. Or the aliens. Or Atlantis. Or whatever stupid, crazy won't-hold-up-under-gentle-scrutiny thing some ass has come up with now.
How the hell does the writings' being carved in stone make them inherently prehuman anyway?
How is it that so many different Christians can read the same damn passages in the same damn book, come up with so many completely different interpretations, and NOT be troubled by this fact?
How is it that god created something -- according to you, an entire race -- that he both didn't call Good (i.e., he messed up their creation) and allowed to thrive long enough to become culturally advanced before destroying and replacing it with humans (who also fucked up but nevertheless were granted mercy)?
And how is it that this race [[]is older than the goddamn planet?
There's a reason conversations like this don't come up "in the church proper," dammit.
"Now I do not believe the race that existed before Adam was fully human, but I do believe they were spritual beings that had human like bodies."
Yes, and Gandalf was one of them.
The idea of a pre-Adamic race actually has some precedent in 19th-century "creation science"; might have been derived from the contradiction between the first two chapters of Genesis. Whatever the justification, it's a poor attempt to make mythology seem scientific.
Wait...are you not only admitting that the earth is older than 6000 years, but that there were human-like creatures that existed before Homo Sapiens?
Well it's not exactly right but...you're getting there.
Gap Theory is so horribly self-contradictory and moronic even Answers in Genesis thinks it's bullshit, and that's saying a lot.
But Campbell34 is, apparently, even less intelligent than AiG.
These kinds of arguments remind me of the clashes over whether the Dwarven women of Middle Earth had beards.
Or maybe the arguments over when the Federation switched over from the TOS v^3 warp scale to the TNG v^3.33333 warp scale.
"could of"
Grr, this annoys the hell out of me. It is 'could have', or if you must, you can use 'could've', but 'could of' has no meaning in the English language.
Fuck me with the exhaust pipe from a Concord. Do these idiots never cease to find new ways of twisting facts to fit into their wholly unrealistic and fictional view of the world?
Anyway, the 8000 years makes even more sense of the Bible is false.
"Actually that 8,000 years would make sense if the Bible is true."
This is your current location, Campbell34:
And I see you've graduated from moving just goalposts. In which case, the organisers of the 2002 World Cup in Japan & South Korea wouldn't have needed to spend the billions of Yen in building that particular pitch mechanism at the stadium in Sapporo, in which it used a cushion of air to move it outside the stadium itself. All they'd have needed is you to do so.
"Now I do not believe the race that existed before Adam was fully human, but I do believe they were spritual beings that had human like bodies."
That sounds pretty much like the 'OT-III Incident Document', the basis of $cientology. Careful, your heresy is showing.
In summation: Your rectum must be ripped to ribbons by now Campbell34, with what you've had to pull out of your arse to cover up the simple fact that archaeological evidence completely destroys Bible literalism, certainly Young Earth Creationism
Ignoring the quasi-racism and the pre-Adamic shit not actually in the fucking Bible:
Creationists keep shouting at, y'know, actual people, that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
So, how did the Chinese write anything thousand years before there was a fucking world for them to live on ?
Dearie, you do realise that the Chinese civilization must have exited for thousands of year, maybe tens of thousands of years, before they started to WRITE, right? It's not the first thing a new civilization does, ya know.
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