the magority of americans are christian.
seperation of church and state was put there to keep europe from taking america through the catholic church that's all.
and god may be old but he's still modurn. he's lasted 3000 some years sofar that's perty good for an ancient supposidly fake being eh.
I’m completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.
George Carlin
I found 50 quotes about atheism on the internet. Forgive me everyone!
Scott, your Hemi seems not to be firing on all cylinders. Astrology and the Rig-Veda have been around longer than that, so do you believe in those, too?
It's funny, because the forefathers fought against England, who was Anglican and anti-Catholic to the core and one of them was Catholic, by the way. But with your spelling..........
MAGority of amerICans are christIAN.
I thought this post was gonna be about MAGICIANS.
Plus, separation of church and state was a general feature of the Constitution because the founders knew that if they could practice their religion, they should let everyone have religious freedom, within reason.
And lasting 3000 years is pretty good for something 3000 years old.
So, the USA wrote its Constitooshun <genuflect> to stop Catholics. But now, the USA has a majority of Christians.
And the biggest sect of Christians would be .... ?
Good spelling adds to credibility.
Remember the good ol' days when the church and state were not separated, yeah, we in Europe called that the dark ages and we don't want to repeat them. It seems as if a lot of fundamentalist Americans are looking forward to a feudal system since they haven't experienced the middle ages.
Wow... The spelling is weak with this one.
Remember kids, if you want the internets to take you seriously, spelling and grammar are vital weapons.
God may be old but he is still mordern. AND yes we Europeans use the catholic church for our plans... Our multitudinous and nefarious plans of Machiavellian genius. Why do you think John Paul died? We replaced him because he failed us again. Much like Starscream did... We replaced him too... We are coming, soon you will have cafes that aren't Starbucks. Your beer will become drinkable. You will understand why throwing Tea into rivers is a bloody waste of tea.
And oh Yes. We will even teach you... SPELLING, GRAMMAR and PUNCTUATION. Recoil in horror as we introduce you to the correct spelling of words. Gnash your teeth in horror as we help you with participles and various shenanigans. Console your women as we set upon you with the mighty exclamation mark and the full stop. Your doom is at hand!
If you are going to make up shit then make it up good and awesome.
No need to apologize, Amanda. A George Carlin quote always cuts through the shit and gets right to the heart of the matter.
Hey, ScottaHemi...that thar homeskoolin' iz realy gettun' yer pint ovr reel gud like.
The magority are christain? Fine by me, I don't know any magorites.
Modurn old supposidly g0d. Perty funnah.
"the maJority of americans are christian HYPOCRITES. "
"seperation of church and state was put there to keep REPUBLICANS from taking america through theIR BALD-FACED LIES that's all"
"and god may be old but he's NOT modErn. he's lasted FOR ETERNITY so far that HAs NOTHING TO DO WITH an ancient supposEdly BEING FAKE, eh. "
You can see the parts that were edited
"the magority of americans are christian.
seperation of church and state was put there to keep europe from taking america through the catholic church that's all.
and god may be old but he's still modurn. he's lasted 3000 some years sofar that's perty good for an ancient supposidly fake being eh."
Awww, isn't it cute when kids think they're being clever? Of course, when he reaches fifth grade, he'll know better. I expect he might manage it in about another 15 years.
~David D.G.
the magority of americans are christian.
I have no idea wht 'magority' means, but a lot of Americans are religious, yes. You're point being?
seperation of church and state was put there to keep europe from taking america through the catholic church that's all.
What? Also, I'm going to assume you don't think Catholics are Christians, in which case, that eliminates a lot of Americans from being Christian (is it 20% of Americans that are Catholics? I'm really not sure). So, yeah.
and god may be old but he's still modurn. he's lasted 3000 some years sofar that's perty good for an ancient supposidly fake being eh.
Hopefully the majority of Americans can spell better than you.
Where is your evidence that your god exists, or has ever existed to begin with? To which god do you refer - because many modern-day religions have lasted much longer than 3,000 years.
the magority of americans are christian.
Are you sure? Are you sure it's not a case of the majority are Christians only because the majority of christians are Catholics but Catholics aren't Christians?
As a matter of fact, the Preamble to the Constitution begins, "We the people of the United States, in Order to keep Europe from taking America through the Catholic Church ...
the magority majority of Americans are Christian.
seperation Separation of church and state was put there to keep Europe from taking America through the catholic church that's all.
and god may be old but he's still modurn modern. he's lasted 3000 some years sofar that's perty pretty good for an ancient supposidly supposedly fake being eh.
What is with fundies and not knowing how to spell.
There are so many different factions and sects of Christianity (Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Evangelical etc etc), which particular flavor are you referring to? And did it escape your notice, that now that other religions are being offered as choices on questionnaires, that the other religions are quickly catching up?
the magority of americans are christian.
If the "magority" of Americans were Muslims, would Hemi be OK with the government forcing everyone to obey Islamic laws? The Founding Fathers understood they were writing rules that would withstand hundreds of years, even if the majority changed its mind. If Reagan's supporters had succeeded in eliminating the two-term limit (as they tried to do), would they have been happy to apply the same rule to Bill Clinton?
The fact that the majority of people believe something to be true does not make it true (truth isn't a democracy, it is a dictatorship). Separation of Church and State was put in place by the Deists and Unitarians that founded America to protect the people from Theocracy. As for the fact that worship of the Biblegod has lasted 3000 years, that doesn't prove that he exists. The belief in Hindu gods like Krisha and Vishnu has lasted for 3500 years and yet Christians obviously don't believe in them.
Do Fundy Xians ever say anything regarding religion that isn't a logical fallacy?
lol. fucking moron.
You know, I just can't find the issue of The Federalist Papers where Hamilton and Madison talk about the danger of being taken over by European Catholics.
It must be the same issue where they say the U.S. was founded on Christian principles.
A nice variation on the old "X people can't be wrong!" But, of course, they can.
But I will grant you that something man-made being 3000 years old is decently old. It's "perty good."
52% of Americans are members of one-or-other branch of Protestant Christianity, while 24% are Catholic (according to the 2002 Pew report).
So far so good for Scotta. He can even throw down the "Catholics aren't Christians" card without undermining his argument. But...
Protestant is rather a catch-all term isn't it? It pretty much means 'non-Catholic Christian' to most people, and I'm sure Scotta doesn't think all Protestant sects are 'true' Christians. So let's really look at the breakdown by faith.
Catholic 24.5%
Baptist 16.3%
Methodist 6.8%
Lutheran 4.6%
Presbyterian 2.7%
Pentecostal 2.1%
Anglican 1.7%
Jesuit 1.3%
Mormon 1.3%
Congregational 1.9%
J's Witnesses 0.6%
Nope, no 'magority' there!
No, the "magority" of Americans are not Christian (Majority, maybe?)
I thought God was supposed to be eternal, everlasting to everlasting? Shit, according to you, he's not even as old as the earth He created *6,000* years ago.
Isis and Ra and fairies are older than the Bible, so by your logic, they must be even MORE real.
By the by, what exactly is a 'magority?'
seperation of church and state was put there to keep europe from taking america through the catholic church that's all.
Close, but no. After the founding fathers observed what can happen when a religion has the government by the tender bits, they opted to install a failsafe to ensure it won't happen here. Catholicism, Christianity, what have you.
the magority of americans are christian.
seperation of church and state was put there to keep europe from taking america through the catholic church that's all.
and god may be old but he's still modurn. he's lasted 3000 some years sofar that's perty good for an ancient supposidly fake being eh.
Which is still a lot younger than the roughly 4 billion years the earth has been around.
please spell check. Major, modern, pretty, supposedly, separation.
God would have to be at least 6,000 years old or your bible has a big problem, but I concede the point I think you are making.
Seperation[sic] of church and state was put there, because the Founding Father could see what havoc religion in politics wrecked back in the Old Country.
God is just 3000 years old? So, he wasn't there at the Creation, which, supposedly, happened about 6000 years ago?
Hinduism is the oldest still functioning religion. Shiva is just as "supposidly" fake as your god.
“the magority of americans are christian.”
You SAY that, but do you always count, say, Mormons as REAL Christains? Or only when you need the majority?
Do you always count Catholics?
The variuos sects and schisms?
David Koresh thought he was Jesus. Do you count HIM? Do you count the people who followed him as CHristains?
I really dislike people claiming God-breathed community with people they’re also sure are going to burn in Hell at that God’s direction.
“seperation of church and state was put there to keep europe from taking america through the catholic church that's all.”
And you found this written….where?
“and god may be old but he's still modurn.”
So’s syphilis.
"he's lasted 3000 some years sofar”
Ah. Syphilis is at least 5000.
"that's perty good for an ancient supposidly fake being eh.”
There are people that worship older beings. It’s not that impressive.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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