The atheists could sense that the world was turning back to religion, so they got desperate and unleashed Dawkins, Hitchens and others.
They were outraged when evangelical Christians came out and voted Bush in twice. I wish the Brits cared as much for our leaders' faiths and morals as a voting criteria.
I love how this is worded. As if we created them in a lab (all of us, because.. you know, we meet on saturdays for How to Take Over The World club), and then "unleashed" our creations upon the world.
When do we get to create Bride of Dawkins?
" they got desperate and unleashed Dawkins, Hitchens and others."
- Try not to display your stupidity. Dawkins and 'others' are free agents. They do as they wish. They have not been 'unleashed' by anyone.
"They were outraged when evangelical Christians came out and voted Bush in twice."
- Voted in? I though that the Florida Supreme Court made him president first time round. I don't recall he had a clear mandate from the people or the electoral college of states. So why do you lie?
"I wish the Brits cared as much for our leaders' faiths and morals as a voting criteria."
Brits are Europeans. And like most Europeans, they are fairly political and know the working of the system. They take an active interest in politics and don't get it mixed up as a subset of religion. Quite frankly, Europeans think Americans are mad to have allowed the religious right to wield such influence over their country. It's dangerous and sectarian.
No, the time is right! All the souls of those billions of aborted fetuses have made our LORD strong! We must act before those meddling fundies start praying in school or install those blasted Ten Commandments on public property! America WILL become a secular nation, MUHAHAHAHA!!!
Evangelical Christians always vote for Republicans nowadays. They have no effect on the election outcome. The elections are determined by the people in the middle, who tend to be libertarians (socially liberal, fiscally conservative).
Oh look, it's Scarlets79.
That rarity for you all to savour ... a British fundie .
Apparently she lives not that far away from me according to her profile at the Richard Dawkins forums (where she's still listed as an active member but hasn't returned for ages after having her ass handed to her on a plate several times). Which means I should probably think about sticking inverted crosses all over the place to keep her at bay. :)
I'm not quite sure if she's truly native though, or an American import that happens to have settled here. However, given her use of language, I suspect she genuinely is home grown, not least because she appears to use original British word spelling instead of American. She's most likely the product of some weird accident whereby she was spoon-fed bible bashing satellite TV as an infant instead of Nickleodeon.
Why would anyone vote for Bush twice? Like Lewis Black said, when you die and meet your maker, he's gonna have some questions for you. He's not sending you to hell, but he'll wanna know 'what the fuck were you thinking'?!
You are a total dunce and we will be more than willing to ship our fundies to you(and our Supreme Court right-wingers and DIEBOLD voting machines to you, so that they can fix elections for you) just so maybe we can straighten out the mess Bush has made of our country.PS Remember the little British lady in the BBC on the street interview who when informed that Bush had been re-elected said, "Surely the Americans weren't that stupid twice"!
That rarity for you all to savour ... a British fundie.
Not nearly rare enough, Calilasseia. We've got one where I work and he's driving us all round the bend.
Smithers, unleash the hounds...
Christopher Hitchens is a mindless blatherer, paid for by the same people who brought you the Bush debacle. He claims religion causes all the wars, and yet was one of main voices in the leftist media calling for the Iraq invasion, when everyone knew (even back then) that the intelligence was trumped-up and they were manufacturing evidence to invade a resource-rich country they had obviously been planning to invade from the start. I've read parts of his books and it's just the same shallow uneducated crap, just happens to be the flip side of the coin from the fundies.
"They were outraged when evangelical Christians came out"
Many of us are not very surprised when evangelical Christians "come out".
Nobody "unleashed" today's vocal atheists. Unlike you subservient cultists, atheists, at least the smart ones, do things of their own volition.
"I wish the Brits cared as much for our leaders' faiths and morals as a voting criteria."
I agree, we should. If only our leaders were more up front about their beliefs, Scarlets79. For example: if Tony Blair had stated, before becoming Prime Minister, that he would be taking advice about running the country from the invisible sky-daddy, I would not have voted for him.
That's right, bitch. Every aborted fetus...Every scientific theory...Every refuted argument...
And the British want to keep church and voting separate.
And we Aussies probably gave more votes to Kevin Rudd after the news broke that he had been blind drunk in a strip joint, because it made him seem like a regular bloke.
Who cares what politicians do in their private lives (so long as it isn't illegal), if they are trying to make a decent job of running the country. I'd choose intelligence over 'morals' in a leader any day of the week.
"The atheists could sense that the world was turning back to religion, so they got desperate and unleashed Dawkins, Hitchens and others."
Unleashed? What, we had them caged up in our secret compound underneath a volcano? Maybe you think we performed dark rituals to our atheistic god Darwin and he evolved them in front of us?
You're certainly a strange one.
"They were outraged when evangelical Christians came out and voted Bush in twice."
Most of the rest of the world was outraged too you know. Besides, voting that moron in twice just showed the monumental stupidity of you people.
"I wish the Brits cared as much for our leaders' faiths and morals as a voting criteria."
I don't think they'd be stupid enough to elect some bumbling, stammering half-wit to any office higher than crossing guard.
I do care about the Prime Minister's faith and morals -- that's why I never voted for Tony Blair. Both in office and out of it, he didn't disappoint: a war of aggression; expansion of faith schools; being "intensely relaxed" about the exceptionally wealthy people he sucked up to, the cunt. It's almost two years since he converted to Catholicism but I still can't believe he's had time enough to finish his first confession.
Rant over. Sorry.
excellent! my creations have proven useful in scaring the sh*t out of theists! I will soon continue recruiting minions, genetically engineering atheistic freethinkers, brainwashing theists, and building my evil fortress protected by death-rays of logic, creatard-zombies, and a pit full of philosoraptors!
There's quite a bit of reasonable doubt to W Bush being voted in either time. The supposed Evangalistic surge is one of the smokescreens of where this support maybe came from. The vote tinkering in the Bible Belt states is more likely, destroying or not counting democrats votes.
Only a little bit more vigilance on election results kept Palin from becoming vice-president. Please police the polling stations down there in 2012 before you "elect" anymore idiots.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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