... all these theory skulls of evolution are based upon the shape of the head and its brain size. they has been no link yet between the DNA of thee [fossilized] skulls and us.
I think that the most obliterating evidence against evolution would be no shared DNA between any living species found today. After all, if God had created every living thing individually, there would be nothing to connect the species with each other.
So even if DNA cannot be extracted from fossilized bones, the fact that all living creatures share at least a fractional amount of DNA is enough to accept the various hominid fossils as continuous.
Igor V. Ovchinnikov; Anders Götherström, Galina P. Romanova, Vitaliy M. Kharitonov, Kerstin Lidén & William Goodwin
Molecular analysis of Neanderthal DNA from the northern Caucasus
Nature 404, 490 - 493 (2000)
The expansion of premodern humans into western and eastern Europe approx40,000 years before the present led to the eventual replacement of the Neanderthals by modern humans approx28,000 years ago1. Here we report the second mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis of a Neanderthal, and the first such analysis on clearly dated Neanderthal remains. The specimen is from one of the eastern-most Neanderthal populations, recovered from Mezmaiskaya Cave in the northern Caucasus2. Radiocarbon dating estimated the specimen to be approx29,000 years old and therefore from one of the latest living Neanderthals3. The sequence shows 3.48% divergence from the Feldhofer Neanderthal4. Phylogenetic analysis places the two Neanderthals from the Caucasus and western Germany together in a clade that is distinct from modern humans, suggesting that their mtDNA types have not contributed to the modern human mtDNA pool. Comparison with modern populations provides no evidence for the multiregional hypothesis of modern human evolution.
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