/* believe that there are no inherent differences between men and women and that much inequality is the result of men oppressing women/
Much inequality IS the result of men oppressing women. When was the last time women told men that they had to always work in the home and never venture outdoors? When was the last time women told men that they couldn't vote because their delicate, feeble minds could not possibly comprehend the intricate workings of politics? Just like inequality between whites and blacks today is the result of whites oppressing blacks, so too is inequality between women and men the result of millenia of despicable male chauvinism.
/* oppose chivalry and even feign insult at harmless displays of it/
I guess I'm not one of those "modern feminists" then, because I genuinely like it when a guy opens the door for me. As a matter of fact, I like it when ANYBODY, male or female, opens the door or tries to help in any way, because it shows that the person's polite and actually has consideration for others. I myself often hold the door open for people whenever I can just to be polite. However, I feel that I would not appreciate your brand of chivalry, because it would probably include treating women like delicate flowers unable of accomplishing anything on their own without a man's help. In that case, it's not polite or gallant, it's patronizing and thus undesirable.
/view traditional marriage as unacceptably patriarchal/
What is this "traditional marriage" that you speak of? The one with one man and many wives? The one that was basically a business transaction between a girl's father and the often much older groom? Gee, I can't wonder why either would be seen as patriarchal, since the girl's choice is never considered and everything is done to solely benefit the man. *sarcasm*
For your information, I am a feminist, yet I'm also a hopeless romantic. So, yes, if I do manage to find the love of my life someday, I would certainly like to marry him. But I would marry him while fully knowing that he understands and accepts that our marriage will not be "traditional," in the sense that he will not be master and I will not be slave. We shall be equals. Is that so horrible for you to contemplate?
/* shirk traditional gender activities, like baking/
This has already been mentioned, but come ON. There are so many successful male bakers around and how many women are heads of baking industries? I can guarantee you that most of them are men. If you don't mean it in the professional sense, then so what? Not everybody has to like the same things. Some women like baking (like my mother, who IS a feminist, mind you), some don't. Some men like baking, some don't. We are not cardboard cutouts for you to boss around.
/* support affirmative action for women/
I don't know what this moron's complaining about, because as far as I can see, it seems that colleges are practicing affirmative action for men. Don't know what I'm talking about? Let me clear it up for you. More girls graduate high school and go to college than boys. That is a fact. Thus, in most colleges, girls outnumber boys. I know, it's shocking, isn't it?
But the colleges want to be diverse, you see. So, just like they want to even out the playing field between different races and nationalities, they want to even it out between genders as well. So, what does that mean? It means that if a girl with an A average and a boy with a B+ average apply to the same college that happens to have a majority of girls, the college will probably pick the boy over the girl. That's right. He'll be favored over her. So, shut up and stop complaining.
/* detest women who are happy in traditional roles, such as housewife, and especially dislike those who defend such roles/
My mother is a housewife. I obviously do not detest her. Many feminists ARE housewives. Once again, you are missing the point. Feminism is about choice. If a woman wants to stay at home and raise four kids, fine. But, on the other side, if she wants to devote her life to her career instead, then she should be able to do so without condemnation from others. Feminism is about making sure that women are able to do what they truly want to do with their lives, without any interference from sexist control freaks like you. Besides, what about men who want to stay at home and raise the kids? Yes, they do exist. Most often, it's insecure, controlling nutjobs like you who demean them and tell them that they aren't "real men" for wanting to spend more time with their children.
/* prefer that women wear pants rather than dresses, presumably because men do/
Yeah, well, YOU try wearing a skirt in the winter when it's snowing outside. YOU try wearing a dress when it's extremely windy or you're doing something that requires manual labor (gasp!) or doing anything else that a dress would hamper you from doing. We don't wear pants because men do, we wear them because they're comfortable and practical. Besides, many cultures in the world have traditional costumes that include skirts/dresses for men. Scotland, Italy, and Greece are two examples. Peasant women in China wore pants for thousands of years, because, again, it would be much more difficult working in the field if they were wearing fancy gowns. And let's not forget that Jesus wore robes (NOT pants).
/* seek women in combat in the military just like men, and coed submarines/
Umm, the name "Joan of Arc" ring a bell? France didn't make her its patron saint because she was pretty (if she was). Artemisia of Halicarnassus, Boudicca, Elizabeth I, Catherine of Aragaon, Catherine the Great, all of these women headed military endeavours. It's nothing new. If a woman wants to fight for her country, let her. If she wants to fight and die for your rights so you can sit there at home and rail against her, that's her choice. I don't understand why you are so uncomfortable with the idea. You clearly hate women so much that it would surely give you pleasure for them to die for you, just like it would give homophobes pleasure to send homosexual soldiers to the front ranks so they would be killed off more quickly. You are a disgusting, ungrateful imbecile.
/* refuse to take her husband's last name when marrying/
What is the big deal? Sure it might cause some confusion for the two of them, and their kids if they have any, but seriously, how does it affect you? Besides, there are other countries out there that do include the woman keeping her maiden name or combining both her name and her husband's. Why do you think Spanish names are so long?
Unfortunately, I realize that this is all for naught because you are so clearly wrapped up in your own paranoid, selfish, misanthropic bubble that you fail to see the many successful women out there in the world who do not conform to your misogynistic ideals of who they should be and you fail to see that there are many cultures in the world that also do not concur with your assumptions of how things should be. You are a sad, useless stain on humanity.