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The word Jezebel in the concordance speaks of the word Jezebel as a feminine word. Although, as the Scripture states this is a woman, this same spirit can be operating in men as well as women. This is what is going on in many of the churches today.
The Jezebel spirit operates in witchcraft. Witchcraft is control, dominance, seduction, etc. Even DELIVERANCE ministers and pastors have to be careful to guard against this spirit. It is so powerful that congregations are seduced by this spirit. Most of the time the people in the congregation can not see this spirit until they come out from under the teaching, control and dominance of that church AND receive DELIVERANCE.
This spirit is so strong and powerful that Elijah was so afraid that he ran from this spirit and hid for fear of Jezebel killing him. However, as we know the story of Elijah and Jezebel we know that the Lord JESUS is more powerful than any demon. But to let the people of God know the wiles of the devil we have to let them know how a demon operates.