"The books are bad news because the hero in the story is a "Student of witchcraft". There is a spirit at work behind this potter stuff that will draw children into the occult."
I suspect the only reason "witchcraft" is banned by your Babble is because it would take power away from the priesthood. Can't have that after all. Sort of like how a totalitarian leader bans free elections for fear of loss of power.
"This goes beyond fantasy in the spiritual realm something is at work. Real witchceaft and spells are used in the books by the way."
Half-assed pseudo-latin does not a real spell make you twit.
"Witchcraft is shown to be something good here to get into."
So? The Bible shows that it's a swell idea to worship a bloodthirsty, war mongering, petty little god because, apparently, might makes right. I'd rather see the kid read Harry Potter than the Bible. The Bible is supposed to be true after all. Might give the kid nightmares to know that such a large percentage of the population not only believes the shit in the Bible but would more than likely willingly perpetrate it if they thought Gawd asked them too.
"It is bad news but I understand some will not agree, that's fine because I know better. This is one of the many ways Satan works is through entertainment. "
Satan does not exist. If he does though, he's working through good ol' fashioned "Christian entertainment". I swear, that is some of the most pathetic excuses for "entertainment" I've ever seen. Satan is trying to wear down your will through sheer boredom I suspect.