MarkSC #fundie

You are cherry picking from one person. To adequately support your argument you need to verify that these statements are supported by what other Creationists say about this topic. I can assure of the the following though...

1. Creationists actively study the dinosaurs and their fossils

2. The reference to the more modern term of 'dinosaur' is explained so that we can examine ancient cultures and languages to see what words or descriptors they may use as an alternative to the word dinosaur.

3. Long age evolutionists won't even bother to check this out because they automatically assume that the dinosaurs died out long before man appeared.

4. Evolutionists reject evidence that does not fit their narrative, such as when fossils are found in the wrong rock strata, or when footprints from a human are found alongside dinosaurs.

5. Evolution can't explain why scientists are finding soft tissue in dinosaur bones.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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