1.) The planet is is not all gas. It has a rocky core several times the size of Earth.
2.) There is no way we are ever going to see this center for the following reasons:
3.) The debris in Saturn's rings whip around so fast that a particle the size of a grain of sand would utterly tear something apart.
4.) Lightning storms in Saturn's atmosphere are potentially 1000x more powerful than those on Earth.
4.) The ever lasting hurricanes on the north and south poles are a mystery as to their power source.
5.) Any probe sent too far down into Saturn's atmosphere would implode.
I believe Saturn is the embodient of hell or satan. The documentary keeps referring to it as a bright beauty with a mean streak that seduces the solar system.....aka Lucifer. I also have a theory on what resides in the center....the black cube, thus the heavy security system for the satanic source broadcasting our reality. I know this is touching on religious philosophy now but through analysis from our science we can begin to piece together the esoteric.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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